External Workforce Development & Career Resources
ICW is pleased to share external information and resources for workforce development and career resources. ICW is always wiling to expand the external resources If there is a resource not listed that you believe could help others, please contact ICW at info@icw.in.gov
Please note, any link to or mention of a commercial or external website or organization found on this page or throughout this website is provided as a courtesy only and should not be considered in any way as an endorsement or promotion by the Indiana Commission for Women, the State of Indiana and of its partners and supporters. In addition, the Indiana Commission for Women is not responsible for any offensive or objectionable content that may be found at any of the sites provided above. The Indiana Commission for Women and those associated with the agency do not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any comments made or representative of any third party's use or results of such use of any information.
- Girls Inc.
Girls Inc. focuses on providing young girls and women long-lasting mentorship relationships, pro-girl environment, and evidence-based programming that equips girls navigate gender, economic, and social barriers. To find more information or to locate a Girls Inc. center in your area visit https://girlsinc.org/
- Indiana Department of Workforce Development
The Indiana Department of Workforce Development offers numerous resources and services for workforce training, unemployment aid, youth services, job seeker resources, business services, veteran services, and work-based learning and apprenticeships. Visit https://www.in.gov/dwd/
- Adult Basic Education
Adult Basic Education is an alternative program for earning a high school diploma, college and career ready preparation, and career training as well for individuals seeking to receive further certifications. To find more information or to locate a Adult Basic Education program in your area visit https://www.in.gov/dwd/career-training-adult-ed/adult-ed/locations/
- WorkOne: American Job Center Indiana
WorkOne provides an interactive map of Indiana to locate offices in your area, and an employment and career services call and chat line for those needing assistance with finding a job. Visit https://www.in.gov/dwd/WorkOne/locations.html or call 1-888-436-9092.
- Veteran Services
The Indiana Department of Workforce Development provides resources and programs for veterans seeking aid in employment services. Visit https://www.in.gov/dwd/veterans-services/
- 180 Skills
190 Skills mission is to provide people the skills necessary for employment, advance in their current job, or help companies grow and retain skilled workers. Visit https://www.180skills.com/indiana/
- Hoosier Talent Network
Hoosier Talent Network assist in job matching and career planning. Visit https://www.hoosiertalentnetwork.com/career_exchange/landing/accept
- Indiana Career Explorer
Indiana Career Explorer helps K-12 students explore careers, young adults with job search assistance, training certifications, skill upgrades, and high school equivalency; and adults build their resumes and daily job opportunities notifications. Visit https://indianacareerexplorer.com/#SplitModal
- Indiana Career Ready
Indiana Career Ready provides the tools individuals need to prepare and find high-demand and high -wage jobs. Visit https://www.indianacareerready.com/
- Serve Indiana
Looking for volunteer opportunities in your community? Visit https://www.in.gov/serveindiana/
- Indiana Career Connect
Indiana Career Connect has tools that equip employers and job seekers. Visit https://www.indianacareerconnect.com/vosnet/Default.aspx
- Girls STEM Institute
The Girls STEM Institute provides young ladies of color an opportunity to engage in mathematics and other STEM concepts. Visit http://www.girlssteminstitute.org/
- Indiana Girls Collaborative Project
The Indiana Girls Collaborative Project works through Indiana to inform and motivate girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Visit https://ngcproject.org/collaborative/indiana-girls-collaborative-project
- Honest Living 4 Young Women Inc
Honest Living 4 Young Women is determined to bring all communities together to best fit our youth. By teaching and guiding young ladies to become successful adults, they strive to create leaders for our next generation and more to come. The organization recognizes the tribulations this city is suffering, and their goal is to change the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion while they are transitioning the youth learning skills. Visit: Charitable Organization - Mentoring Teen Girls (honestliving4youngwomen.org)