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1816 - Introduction

By the the Hon. Randall T. Shepard, Chief Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court

In 1816, the drafters of Indiana's first Constitution used parchment and quill pens to express their view of how people should be governed in a land carved from the frontier. Today, using data bytes and high speed modems, those same words are brought to you across an electronic frontier almost as wild as early 19th century Indiana. Despite the format, be it parchment or this virtual form, the words penned 150 years ago continue to endure and even inspire. Since it is difficult to access the printed version, the Indiana Supreme Court you are able to take advantage of this unique version of the 1816 Constitution.

Constitution Index

Road To Statehood Exhibit

Also visit the Road to Statehood, an online exhibit featuring full images of the 1816 and 1851 constitutions.