The Indiana State Records Center provides State government with secure storage, transport and destruction of inactive records.
In order to minimize storage costs and to free office space for use by agency staff, the State Records Center provides state agencies with off-site storage for their inactive records. The Records Center will only accept records when an approved retention schedule authorizes the transfer. After transfer, title and ultimate responsibility for the records remains with the agency that created them.
The Records Center provides comprehensive records management services including pick-up and transfer, document retrieval and delivery, and records destruction.
If a member of the public wishes to view records stored at the Records Center, he or she should contact the Indiana State Government agency which holds title to the records. That agency may then request the records from the Records Center. The Records Center staff cannot release records to anyone but a representative from the agency which owns them.
Resources for State Government Personnel
- State Records Manager Handbook - information on working with and transferring records to the State Records Center begins on page 17.
- Electronic Media Destruction Program
Records Center Forms
- 47167 - Do Not Destroy Records
- 25186 (MS Word) - Carton Label - Inactive State Records (Print on Avery 5126 or equivalent.)
- 25186 (PDF) - Carton Label - Inactive State Records (Print on Avery 5126 or equivalent.)
- 24019 - Request for Record
- 23628 - State Records Center Record Transmittal and Receipt
- 16 - Records Destruction Notification
Records Center Boxes
- 53485 - Request for New Boxes and Lids - $2.50 per box, minimum order of 10 boxes
- 54744 - Request for Used Boxes and Lids - $1.00 per box
For more information about the services provided by the Records Center, email or write to:
Indiana State Records Center
6400 East 30th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219