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What is Cognos?

Cognos is the standard business intelligence reporting and analysis software for FSSA. Cognos is now available on the intranet for all agency reporting. Each agency is able to view Cognos reports over the intranet via a centrally managed Windows server provided by the FSSA Division of Technology Services. The Cognos software suite provides two different types of reporting to be viewed. Users can run or just look at detailed reports or they can perform more advanced analysis all through the Internet Explorer web browser.

Is my data secure over the web?

Cognos only allows access to users who have signed up. Once a user signs up they are given access only to the reports they are permitted to view.

Detailed reporting = web reports

The Cognos tool allows users to run or view detail-level reports. These can be run with predefined filters or some reports will prompt you to filter the report. State Cognos developers build these reports and post them on the web for the specific users who requested them.

To access Cognos:

Who’s using Cognos?

Data Warehouse
TANF, Food Stamps & Work Participation
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
Indiana Client Eligibility System (ICES)
Indiana Manpower & Comprehensive Training (IMPACT)
Indiana Support Enforcement Tracking System (ISETS)
First Steps
Division of Mental Health & Addiction (DMHA)
Office of Medicaid Policy & Planning (OMPP)
Office of Hearings & Appeals (OHA)