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Timesheet Reminder

Before submitting your timesheet for the pay period covering June 16, 2019 – June 29, 2019,  please double-check that it has the Fiscal Year 2020 Project ID recorded on it for every row entered onto your timesheet

To enter it, first, click on the magnifying glass next to the Project ID field under the chart field portion of your timesheet, then select the Project ID ending in “_PAYROLL_S20” as your Project ID for each row on your timesheet.  (If your Project ID is hidden on your timesheet, please unhide it, update it, and then re-hide it.)

Please email FSSA Payroll with any questions at FSSAPayroll.FSSA@fssa.IN.gov


Note: Your Activity ID/s will be the same unless you have been instructed otherwise by your fiscal department.

Note for approvers: Please confirm that the Project ID has been correctly updated on each line of the timesheet before approving the timesheet.