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Save the date: Natural Born Pilots final presentations

FSSA’s next Natural Born Pilots class is ready to graduate! Natural Born Pilots, inspired by the Chuck Yeager quote, “There’s no such thing as a natural-born pilot,” is FSSA’s leadership development program designed to strengthen relationships, enhance communication, develop leadership and networking skills, create an internal pipeline of leaders, build morale, and inspire our agency’s top talent. For the past several months, the class has met and learned from each other and other inspiring Indiana leaders. Their journey will end with each of the participants give short, idea-focused, thought-provoking presentations about various topics.

On Friday, Dec. 10, starting at 9 a.m. EST, watch each of the participants give short, idea-focused, thought-provoking talks about various topics. Presentations will be in the Indiana Government Center South Auditorium and all are welcome as the attendance limit has been lifted. We will also stream live on the FSSA YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/FSSAIndianavideos. The presentations may last until 11:30, but you are welcome to come and go if necessary whether you attend in person or online.

Live captioning will be available on the live stream and for any other special accommodations please email office.communications@fssa.in.gov.

We look forward to seeing you and hearing from FSSA’s Natural Born Pilots in a few weeks!