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Political activity reminder

With the upcoming general election on Nov. 7, the FSSA Office of General Counsel would like to remind staff of what political activities are allowed and not allowed per 42 IAC 1-5-4.

Political Activity (42 IAC 1-5-4)

You cannot engage in political activity, including fundraising, while on duty or acting in your official capacity as a state employee or a special state appointee for federal, state or local elections. You also cannot solicit political contributions at any time from persons who have a business relationship with your agency/board/commission or from state employees that you supervise.

As a state employee or special state appointee . . .
You CAN:

  • Vote
  • Work the polls on election day
  • Be a candidate in an election if you follow the Code of Ethics*
  • Attend a political event on your own time
  • Make a donation to a candidate or cause you support
  • Hold a position as a precinct committeeman
  • Place a political bumper sticker on your personal vehicle
  • Assist in voter registration drives
  • Have a yard sign at your home

*Remember to consider the Dual Office Holding and Hatch Act restrictions


  • Solicit campaign contributions from state workers you supervise
  • Solicit campaign contributions from persons/organizations who have a business relationship with your agency
  • Solicit campaign contributions if you have purchasing authority for your agency
  • Attend a political protest or rally on state time
  • Allow your official title to be used in support of a political candidate
  • Use your state phone or computer to solicit contributions for or in support of a political candidate
  • Display campaign posters in your office

For more information contact the Indiana Office of Inspector General, 317-232-3850, info@ig.in.gov