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Educator Conviction Information

Indiana Code 20-28-5-8 (b) provides that “the superintendent of a school corporation, presiding officer of the governing body, or equivalent authority for a nonpublic school shall immediately notify the state superintendent when the individual knows that a current or former licensed employee of the public school or nonpublic school has been convicted of an offense listed in IC 20-28-5-8(c), or when the governing body or equivalent authority for a nonpublic school takes any final action in relation to an employee who engaged in any offense listed in IC 20-28-5-8(c).” Subsection (c) lists 19 felonies that, should a licensed educator be convicted of any of them, would result in permanent revocation of the educator’s license(s). In addition, new statutory language at IC 20-19-3-9 requires the department to establish and maintain a searchable public data base of information concerning employees and former employees who have been reported to the department under IC 20-28-5-8.

The Office of Educator Licensing has developed an online reporting form that can be completed by a school employer and submitted to the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) electronically.

To access the Online Offense Reporting Form login to your LVIS account and select Report Educator Offense" on the right side. When completing the form, please enter as much information as possible prior to submission. While some reports may involve educator misconduct that is not the subject of criminal charges or where charges have been filed but a conviction has not yet been entered, only verified convictions will be posted to the public facing database.

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For questions concerning the reporting process or the database, please contact:
Risa A. Regnier
(317) 232-0501