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Data Governance Council


The purpose of the Indiana Data Governance Council is to establish and formalize a cross domain, interdisciplinary group to further the data-driven capacity of organizations and the State as a whole.

View the Data Governance Council Charter


Josh Martin State Chief Data Officer Office of CDO/Management Performance Hub (CDO/MPH)
Anne Valentine Chief of Staff Lieutenant Governor's Office (LG)
Meaghan Fukunaga Deputy Director Indiana Archives and Records Administration (IARA)

Kevin Gulley

Chief Information Officer

Department of Revenue (DOR)

Matthew Ogden Division Director - Data Governance & Analytics

Department of Revenue (DOR)

Stephen Chamblee

Chief Data Officer

Department of Insurance (IDOI)

Bob Davis

Department Director - Office of Data & Analytics

Department of Health (IDOH)
Tim McFarlane Chief Data Officer Family & Social Services Administration (FSSA)
Cristian Guandique Data Scientist Family & Social Services Administration (FSSA)
Merih Bennett Deputy Chief Data Officer Family & Social Services Administration (FSSA)
Matthew Kirby Director of Engagement & Analytics Family & Social Services Administration (FSSA)

Nikki Ford

MaGIK IT Support

Department of Child Services (DCS)
Sarah Schelle

Executive Director of Data Science and Analytics

Department of Correction (IDOC)
John Keller Chief Information Officer Department of Education (DOE)
Jim Kuntz Deputy Chief Technology Officer Indiana Office of Technology (IOT)
Chris Henderson Chief Information Officer Department of Workforce Development (DWD)
Diana Barrett Chief Data Officer Department of Workforce Development (DWD)
Mark Joseph Director of Business Intelligence & Analytics Department of Transportation (INDOT)
Camille Rowley Performance Management Director State Personnel Department (INSPD)
Rachel Clark Chief Information Officer Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV)
Doug Hutchinson Lieutenant Indiana State Police (ISP)
Krista Kelley Director of Business Analytics Office of the Attorney General (ATG)
Angel Hunter-Wilfong Director of Information Management Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS)
Ted Cotterill State Chief Privacy Officer Office of CDO/Management Performance Hub (CDO/MPH)
Ashley Hungate Chief of Staff Management Performance Hub (MPH)
Kaitlyn Christian Chief Engagement Officer Management Performance Hub (MPH)
John Stark Data Governance Project Manager Management Performance Hub (MPH)
Christopher Schilling Data Governance Project Manager Management Performance Hub (MPH)

Have a question for the State's Chief Data Officer? Submit via our contact form.