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Family Member or Associate Transportation

Your medical condition may require you to make frequent trips to and from your doctor’s office or other scheduled medical appointments. If you have a family member or another person close to you who can drive you to these appointments, he or she may be able to enroll with Indiana Medicaid to receive gas mileage reimbursement for these trips.

  • If you are a Traditional Medicaid member, your family member or close friend can enroll and be reimbursed through your transportation broker, Verida.
  • If you are a Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), Hoosier Care Connect, Hoosier Healthwise member, or Indiana PathWays for Aging, your family member or close friend can enroll, and then you should contact your health plan (Anthem, CareSource, Humana, MDwise, or MHS) to find out your coverage and the process for receiving gas mileage reimbursement for these trips.

What must you do to get a family member or associate enrolled as a driver?

You will need to complete a Medicaid Family Member or Associate Transportation Services Form. On the form you will need to identify yourself as the Medicaid member who will be getting rides to the doctor and explain how often you need transportation to medical appointments. You will also need to include the name and driver’s license number of the family member or associate who will be enrolling as your driver, as well as a few other pieces of information along with your signature. NOTE: If the family member/associate driver will be transporting more than one Medicaid member in your household to their medical appointments, a separate form must be completed for each member.

The family member or associate listed on the Medicaid Family Member or Associate Transportation Services Form (see link above) will be considered your preferred driver for most transportation needs. If your driver is not available to take you to or from an appointment, you can always call your transportation broker to help arrange a ride.

What must the family member or associate do to get enrolled as a driver?

Your driver must enroll online through the IHCP Provider Healthcare Portal (Portal) or complete a Family Member/Associate Transportation Provider Enrollment and Profile Maintenance Packet. The information in this packet will ensure that your family member or associate can receive payment. They will need to submit the following documents through the Portal or mail with the enrollment packet:

  • A copy of your completed and signed Medicaid Family Member or Associate Transportation Services Form (see link above)
  • A copy of the driver’s current driver’s license
  • A copy of the driver’s current auto insurance
  • A copy of the driver’s current auto registration

If enrolling by mail, your driver will need to submit all this information to the following address:

IHCP Provider Enrollment
P.O. Box 50443
Indianapolis, IN 46250-0418

Your driver will need to make sure that all of the information in the enrollment packet is accurate and complete. If not, the driver may receive a request in the mail to correct something on the application. NOTE: If you have more than one family member or associate that will be transporting you to medical appointments, each individual must enroll separately to be eligible for gas mileage reimbursement.

How does trip scheduling and gas reimbursement work?

After your driver’s enrollment is complete, he or she will be contacted by the transportation broker that will be reimbursing his or her gas mileage. The transportation broker will explain what you and your driver need to do each time you go to a medical appointment.

  • If you are a Traditional Medicaid member, Verida will contact your driver with instructions. BEFORE the appointment, you must contact Verida at 855-325-7586 to get approval for the trip - both the trip to the appointment and the trip back home.  Once you have made arrangements with Verida, you will receive a pre-populated Indiana Gas Reimbursement Form from Verida, along with instructions on how to have the ride reimbursed to the driver. You must take the Indiana Gas Reimbursement Form to your medical appointment and have the medical provider enter their name, telephone number, and signature on the form to document the initial leg of the trip (going to the appointment). You must enter your name and signature on the form for the return leg of the trip (coming back from the appointment). Your driver must complete the remaining information on the form. Both the driver and you must sign at the bottom of the Indiana Gas Reimbursement Form. The complete form can be faxed to Verida at 678-510-1352 or mailed to the following address for payment:  

Verida Claims
843 Dallas Highway
Villa Rica, GA  30180

  • If you are a Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), Hoosier Care Connect, Hoosier Healthwise, or Indiana PathWays for Aging member, you should contact your health plan to find out if family member/associate transportation is available and to get information about your transportation broker.

What if I have further questions?

If you are on Traditional Medicaid and your driver needs any assistance, he or she can contact Verida through the following:

If you are on the Healthy Indiana Plan, Hoosier Healthwise, Hoosier Care Connect, or Indiana PathWays for Aging, and your driver needs assistance, he or she should contact your health plan. You can find all of the contact information available at the Contact Us webpage.

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