Food Safety
- Fountain County
- Services
- Current: Food Safety
All establishments serving, preparing, or selling food in Fountain County must adhere to the Indiana Food Code (see below).
Proper certifications and permits are required.

New Food Establishment
If you are starting a new food establishment, complete the Plan Review Application and contact an Environmental Health Specialist for guidance. Please note, our department only accepts cash or check as payment.
New Food Establishment (6-12 months) Permit Fee: $150.00
Food Permit Renewals for Retail / Mobile / Temporary Units
Food permits expire on December 31st of each year. Be sure to renew your food permit annually. Applications can be sent electronically or by mail to the Health Department. Payment is due at the time of application. Please note, that our department only accepts cash or check as payment.
6-12 months Permit Fee: $100.00
6 months or less Permit Fee: $50.00
New Mobile / Temporary Food Units
To obtain a mobile / temporary food permit, submit the following forms to the health department. If your unit has been permitted before, you only need to submit the food permit renewal form and payment. Please note, our department only accepts cash or check.
6-12 months Permit Fee: $100.00
6 months or less Permit Fee: $50.00
Criteria for Mobile / Temporary Units
Certified Food Protection Manager Certification
To obtain the Food Protection Manager Certification (CFPM) you must pass a food safety proctored test. For more information, visit the Indiana State Department of Health.
Indiana State Code: For details on the Indiana Food Code, please Click Here for Indiana Code 410 IAC 7-24.