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Letters About Literature Anthologies

Indiana has assembled our award winning letters from our Letters About Literature competition into print anthologies since 2013. In order to be featured in the anthologies, students had to first win a prize in the competition; whether that be a semifinalist ranking, an honorable mention, or a placed letter. Then, permission from a parent or guardian had to be given. Print editions of all the anthologies are available for review at the Indiana State Library. A very few anthologies also feature award winning pieces from the River of Words competition.

Limited copies of the most recent print editions may be available to purchase. Inquire at

Letters About Literature is a reading and writing contest for students in grades 4-12. Students are asked to read a fiction or nonfiction book, book series, short story, poem, essay, or speech and write to the author (living or deceased) about how the book affected them personally. The program was sponsored by the Library of Congress from 1992 - 2019. Starting in 2020, Indiana's program is sponsored by Indiana Center for the Book and is open to any resident of Indiana currently in grades 4-12.

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