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Copyright Research Guides


United States Copyright Office:

Provides a comprehensive look at copyright legislation, basics, and guides to learn more about copyright and the copyright process.

Electronic Copyright Office (eCO Online System):
Users can submit a copyright registration with this portal.  The filing fee is lower than the traditional fee.  Also included is a tutorial for eCo Online and updates to give users timely information and help before registering. 

Copyright Royalty Board:
The Copyright Royalty Board is appointed by the Library of Congress after consultation with the Register of Copyrights.   The Board makes reasonable terms and rates of royalty payments to the copyright owner.  Rates are calculated to provide for the maximum availability of creative works to the public; to afford the copyright owner a fair return for his or her creative work and the copyright user a fair income under existing economic conditions; and to minimize any disruptive impact of the industries involved and on generally prevailing industry practices.   (Title 17 US Code)  This website has updates on the Board, important legislation affecting copyright and fees, and other resources related to copyright and use.  

Taking the Mystery out of Copyright (Library of Congress):    This website helps to explain copyright and the way copyright works for children.  Teachers can use this as a resource to help teach copyright as well as adhere to State core standards.

Copyright and Fair Use (Stanford University Libraries):   Provides users with timely blogs about open access and other copyright issues as well as case summaries.   This site also provides an overview of copyright and public domain.  

Cornell University Law School (Legal Information Institute):   This page provides an overview of copyright and a link to the full text of the law, 17 U.S.C sec. 101-810.  There is also a plain-English legal definition of copyright and links to federal sources.  

Columbia University Libraries/Information Services Copyright Advisory Office:   This site presents the user with information about copyright, fair use, and special topics concerning today’s issues regarding copyright such as the Google Books settlement.  

Copyright Alliance:   This is a non-profit, non-partisan public interest and educational organization that represents artists, creators, and innovators across the spectrum of copyright disciplines, including membership organizations, associations, unions, companies, and guilds, representing artists, creators and innovators, and thousands of individuals.  This site also contains legal blogs and social networking sites with copyright issues, and legal alerts.  

Ball State University:  This website contains helpful links and resources about copyright and fair use legislation.   There is also a section for teaching about copyright and timely blogs about copyright issues and how to handle copyright ownership in writing blogs.    
Center for Social Media; School of Communication, American University:     This site provides the user with information about copyright and fair use.  There are teaching materials, legislation, and documents relating to the issues of copyright and fair use.  

University of Minnesota:  This is a great resource for copyright issues and information.  Users can learn about copyright in a variety of ways, including a ‘map’ of use issues.  Also provided on this site is an explanation of fair use and best practices.    

Digital Copyright Slider:  This resource simplifies the issue of whether something is protected by copyright or is public domain.   The user can click on notes or anything with an asterisk [*] to get more clarification about an issue or topic.

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA):  The Motion Picture Association of American presents a definition of performance law that is easily understood.  The site also contains real-world examples of performance law as well as the link to the Federal Copyright Law.


Title 17, U.S.C :  Complete version of the U.S. Copyright Law, December 2011
The Copyright Acts of 1976:  Original Copyright Law and provisions.   Copyright Law became effective January 1, 1978.  Title 37, CFR:  Current citation for copyright; subchapter A-Parts 201-205, 211-212; Subchapter B-parts 253-256, 258, 260-263, 270
Federal Register Notices:  This includes announcements, rules, and other notices published daily in the Federal Register for the years 1993-2011.  
H.R. 3261:  The ‘Stop Online Piracy Act”
P.L.  106-379:  Work Made for Hire and Copyright Corrections Act of 2005
H.R. 357:  Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005
S.487:  Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2001
H.R. 6845:  Fair Copyright in Research Works Act
S. 3689:  Copyright Cleanup, Clarification, and corrections Act of 2010
S. 1353:  Internet Radio Equality Act of 2007
H.R. 1417:  Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform Act of 2003
H.R. 4307:  Copyright reform Act of 1993
H.R. 6480:  Internet Radio Fairness Act of 2012

Books and other printed materials @ the ISL:

American Society of composers, authors, and publishers.  Notice of Copyright Restrictions.  The Society, 1934.  16 pgs.   Call number:  [Pf] ISLM 780 No. 3

Copyright Society of the United States of America.  Studies on copyright.  F.B. Rothman, 1963.    Call number:  ISLM 655.6 C785S v.1 v.2

Goldstein, Paul.  Copyright’s Highway:  from Gutenberg to the Celestial Jukebox.    Hill & Wang, 1994.  261 pgs.  Call number:  KF 2994.G654

Hamlin, Arthur Sears.  Copyright cases:  A summary of leading American decisions on the law of copyright and on literary property, from 1891-1903; together with the text of the United States copyright statute, and a selection of recent copyright decisions of the courts of Great Britain and Canada.   Putman, 1904.  Call number:  ISLM 655.6 H223

Harlan, Edgar Rubey.  Ethics Involved in the Handling of Personal Papers.  Annals of Iowa, 1929.  21 pgs.   Call number: ISLM 655.6 H283e

Johnston, Donald F.  Copyright Handbook 2nd Edition.  R.R. Bowker, 1982.  21 pgs.     Call number:   ISLM KF 2994.J63

Miller, Jerome K.  U.S. Copyright Documents:  An Annotated Collection for Use by Educators and Librarians.    Libraries Unlimited, 1980.  292 pgs.   Call number:   ISLM KF 2989.56.A16 M55

Stim, Richard.  Copyright Law.  West Legal Studies, 2000.  343 pgs.   Call number:  ISLM KF2995.S75

Strong, William S.  The Copyright Book:  A practical guide.  5th edition; MIT Press, 1999.  376 pgs.  Call number:  ISLM KF 2994.S75

Unesco.  The ABC of Copyright.  Unesco, 1981.  73 pgs.  Call number:  ISLM K1420.A26

Electronic Books and Resources:

Torremans, Paul.  Copyright Law:  a handbook of contemporary research.
United States Congress.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property.  Digital Millennium Copyright Act section 104 report:  hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, December 12 and 13, 2001.  Call number:  Y4.J 89/1:107/57

United States .  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property.  Ensuring artists fair compensation:  updating the performance right and platform parity for the 21st century:  hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, July 31, 2007.   Call number:  Y4.J 89/1:110-49

United States .  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property.   Performance Rights Act [electronic resource]:  hearing before the Subcommittee on courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, on H.R. 4789, June 11, 2008.  Call number:  Y 4.J 89/1:110-141

Federal Documents:

Library of Congress.  Copyright Office.  Blank forms and other works not protected by copyright.  1982.  2 pgs.    Call number:  LC 3.4/2:32/7.
Library of Congress.  Copyright Office.  Copyright Basics.   2002; 11 pgs.  Call number:  LC 3.4/2:1/2002.  
Library of Congress.  Copyright Office.  Copyright for Books.  1976; 2 pgs.    Call number:  LC 3.4/2:60/3.
Library of Congress.  Copyright Office.  Copyright Time Limits.  1976; 1 pg.   Call number:  LC 3.4/2:22 T.
Library of Congress.  Copyright Office.  “Fair Use” of Copyrighted Works.   1976; 1 pg.   Call number:  LC 3.4/2:20/4.
Library of Congress.  Copyright Office.  General Information on Copyright.  1976; 10 pgs.   Call number:  LC 3.4/2:1/7.
Library of Congress.  Copyright Office.  How to Investigate the Copyright Status of a Work.  1975; 7 pgs.    Call number:  LC 3.4/2:22/3.

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