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BEAD Pre-Qualification Resources

The IBO has posted the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program pre-qualification guidance document here. This is the first step in the subgrantee selection process. Please note that pre-qualification has NOT begun yet, this guidance has just been posted so all prospective applicants can be prepared.

This document is meant to provide applicants with a clear understanding of Indiana's BEAD pre-qualification process and what documentation they need to prepare. This guide outlines procedures, requirements, and necessary steps, as outlined in Indiana's approved Initial Proposal Volume II. This guide may change with new guidance from NTIA or as the IBO receives questions from prospective applicants. Any changes made to this guide will be clearly documented in version history and communicated with prospective applicants.

Please note that, as described in Indiana's Initial Proposal Volume II, participating in the pre-qualification process does not bind any internet service provider to submit a project area proposal. However, all applicants who are considering participation or intend to submit a proposal must participate in pre-qualification. There will only be one pre-qualification round, so prospective applicants must participate, even if they only intend to apply for BEAD funds in later rounds of subgrantee selection.

The IBO will open pre-qualification approximately 30 days after the initial posting of pre-qualification guidance, around the week of August 19, 2024. The IBO will announce an official opening date soon. Prospective applicants will have at least 30 days after pre-qualification round begins to submit their materials. The IBO will announce an official closing date of pre-qualification as it receives more information from the NTIA about Indiana's submission of its Challenge Process results. Again, registration for pre-qualification has NOT begun yet, guidance has been posted for prospective applicants to review.

BEAD Challenge Process

The IBO announced that the Indiana BEAD Challenge Phase was extended by two weeks from the previously announced end date of April 3rd, to April 17th. The Challenge Process is now completed and the subgrantee selection process will follow.

What is the Challenge Process?

The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program requires the Indiana Broadband Office (IBO) to create a “Challenge Process” through which a unit of local government, nonprofit organization, or broadband service provider may challenge a determination made by the IBO to whether a particular location or community anchor institution is unserved or underserved therefore eligible for BEAD funds.

An unserved location is defined as having access to service that is only 25/3 Mbps or lower.

An underserved location is defined as having access to service that is less than 100/20 Mbps, but higher than 25/3 Mbps.

IBO Challenge Phase Timeline

Indiana’s Challenge Phase will begin on March 4, 2024. Challenges will now be accepted until April 17, 2024. The IBO has partnered with, a software service that will provide a portal through which permissible challengers can register and submit challenges. Pre-registration is available here.


IBO recommends permissible challengers to obtain a license as soon as possible


Pre-registration is open now. IBO recommends you register whether you intend to submit a challenge or not.


The Challenge Process begins on March 4, 2024.


Permissible challengers will have 44 days to submit challenges.


The Challenge Phase ends on April 17, 2024. The IBO will then move into the Rebuttal Phase.

Pre-Registration is open for the Indiana BEAD Challenge Process!

The IBO has opened pre-registration for the Challenge Process. Pre-registration provides permissible challengers time to become familiar with the Challenge Portal interface before the official kickoff on March 4th. Challengers should utilize this time to work through their portal and reach out with any questions.

The IBO encourages any interested party to register whether you intend to submit a challenge or not.

If you missed a BEAD Challenge Phase webinar, watch the recordings here.

The Indiana Broadband Office hosted webinars to cover essential information on how to participate in the BEAD Challenge Phase. These sessions covered essential information on how to participate in the BEAD Challenge Phase, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the steps involved, submission requirements, and the resources available to you.

February 8, 2024

This webinar was targeted toward local government and nonprofits.

February 14, 2024

This webinar was targeted towards all organizations.

March 11, 2024

This webinar was targeted toward multi-dwelling unit challenges

Challege Process Webinar slide deck

Webinar Slide Decks Available

Each webinar’s content was tailored to address the relevant needs of the permissible challenger types. Download them by selecting the links below.

Community Organizations
Internet Service Providers
All Organizations
Multi-Dwelling Units

The Indiana BEAD Challenge Process flyer for the public is available here.

IBO Challenge Phase Resources

Availability Challenge Guide

A complete walk-through of submitting an availability challenge on the ConnectingIndiana Challenge Portal.

 Download PDF

Availability Challenge CSV Template

A template of the CSV file required for an availability challenge.

 Download CSV

Planned Service Challenge Guide

A complete walk-through of submitting an availability challenge on the ConnectingIndiana Challenge Portal.

 Download PDF

Speed Challenge CSV Template

A template of the CSV file required for a speed challenge.

 Download CSV

Challenge Evidence Types and Examples

A complete walk-through of each type of challenge that can be submitted and examples of corresponding evidence types.

 Download PDF

Speed Challenge Guide

A complete walk-through of submitting a speed challenge on the ConnectingIndiana Challenge Portal.

 Download PDF

Check Your Address Flyer

A guide to understanding how your address is categorized pre-BEAD Challenge Process.

 Download PDF

Pre Challenge Process Unserved Addresses

This file lists all unserved addresses in Indiana before the Challenge Process. Based on the IBO's current knowledge of these locations, they are eligible for BEAD funding. This file can be opened in Excel.

 Download CSV

Pre Challenge Process Underserved Addresses

This file lists all unserved addresses in Indiana before the Challenge Process. Based on the IBO's current knowledge of these locations, they are eligible for BEAD funding. This file can be opened in Excel.

 Download CSV

CostQuest License

Some permissible challengers may want to submit a large number of challenges. If you plan to do so, the IBO highly recommends obtaining a CostQuest license. A CostQuest license will enable the permissible challenger to download the full FCC National Broadband Map Fabric for Indiana. The NTIA has allocated funds for permissible challengers to obtain these licenses for free. The license tiers for BEAD entities are D and E, depending on the entity type and project objectives. A CostQuest license is not required to submit challenges, but it may be helpful for those who wish to submit bulk challenges.

There is an approval process to receive a license. As many other states are beginning their BEAD Challenge Processes simultaneously, the IBO anticipates this approval process to take multiple days. We recommend requesting a license as soon as possible if you intend to participate in a large capacity.

Request a License

Where are we now?

Pre-registration is now open on The IBO encourages any interested party to register whether you intend to submit a challenge or not.

What is to come?

The IBO will continue to provide updates and information about the Challenge Process throughout February and March. At this time, permissible challengers should focus on CostQuest licensing and registering on Ahead of March 4, 2024, there will be continued open office hours to answer questions.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions about the Challenge Process or CostQuest, please reach out.