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Solicitation Evaluation

Once all proposals are processed they will be evaluated using the criteria listed in the solicitation. Based on the results of this evaluation the qualifying proposal determined to be the most advantageous to the State may be selected for further action, such as contract negotiations.

Proposal Evaluation Process

  1. Each proposal will be evaluated for adherence to requirements on a pass/fail basis. Proposals that are incomplete or otherwise do not conform to proposal submission requirements may be eliminated from consideration.
  2. Each proposal will be evaluated on the basis of the categories included in the solicitation. A point score has been established for each category and scoring may vary in the categories of Management Assessment/Quality and Price in some solicitations.
  3. If technical proposals are close to equal, greater weight may be given to price.

Proposal Evaluation Team

The State selects a group of personnel to act as a proposal evaluation team. Subgroups of this team, consisting of one or more team members, will be responsible for evaluating proposals with regard to compliance with RFP requirements. All evaluation personnel will use the evaluation criteria stated in RFP. The Commissioner of IDOA or his/her designee will, in the exercise of his/her sole discretion, determine which proposals offer the best means of servicing the interests of the State. The exercise of this discretion will be final.

Price Preferences

A price preference is offered to allow certain types of businesses or businesses that offer certain types of products to be able to compete for the State’s business while taking into consideration a preference.

If a bidder claims a price preference, a given percentage will be deducted from the price of the item(s) that meet the criteria for that preference, and the newly figured prices will be used for evaluation purposes to determine who should receive the award.

If such a bidder claiming a price preference receives an award, the original quoted amount will be paid for the products or services. Only one (1) price preference may be applied to each item, even if the bidder has indicated they wish to claim multiple preferences. The preference that is most beneficial should be applied. The only exception to this rule is the Indiana Manufactured Preference - this may be claimed in addition to the Indiana Business Preference.

Split Award

State procurement agents look for ways to make the wisest use of taxpayer dollars while considering the best interest of the State of Indiana. Therefore, an award split between two or more bidders is considered whenever it would provide a substantial cost savings unless the bidder states in writing "All or None" on the quote. A split award may also be necessary to purchase everything needed when none of the bidders provide a quote for all the items requested.

Scoring Details

Detailed copies of score sheets, evaluator’s names and notes and related materials are not deemed subject to public release and are inter-agency and/or intra-agency deliberative materials. See Indiana Code 5-14-3-4 (b)(6). The purpose, intent and policy supporting not releasing or disclosing the detailed score card and, names of evaluators for any this or any RFP is to protect the integrity of the procurement process and to guard against potential undue influence or inappropriate inquiries being made of evaluators.

Cancelled Solicitations

If it is decided that no proposal is sufficiently advantageous to the State, the State may take whatever further action is deemed necessary to fulfill its needs.

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