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Purchasing & Travel Card Program

  • Procurement
  • Current: Purchasing & Travel Card Program

Program Overview

The Purchasing and Travel Card Program is designed to assist in the management and payment of business-related purchases. The program streamlines the procurement and payment processes from beginning to end. The use of the procurement and travel card will virtually eliminate the use of traditional SDO purchases, and in many circumstances, the need for check requests or petty cash.

P/T Card Program User Manual | (.pdf)

Contact is a shared inbox that is monitored 24/7 for credit card requests and exceptions.

For urgent after-hours or weekend requests call (317) 619-9931.

Communication Protocols

Declines or Exceptions

All requests for temporary changes or exceptions to the MCC, single purchase limit or monthly credit limit will be submitted to:

Emergency Requests

All requests for emergency temporary changes or exceptions to the MCC, single purchase limit or monthly credit limit must be submitted to: The request must contain the word "EMERGENCY" in the subject line in order to be processed.

PeopleSoft P/T Card Module

The PeopleSoft Purchasing/Travel Card Module is intended to upload card transactions electronically for reconciling, statement payment, and portal transparency.

Training Materials

 Top FAQs