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Waste Transportation

Transporters are individuals or entities that move waste from one site to another by highway, rail, water, or air. Depending on the type of waste being transported, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) may require a company to submit a notification or obtain a registration or permit, as set forth below.

Hazardous Waste Transporter

A hazardous waste transporter must have a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) ID number, but it doesn’t have to be an Indiana number. A transporter who has not received a U.S. EPA identification number may obtain one by applying on forms provided by the commissioner. Upon receipt of the completed forms, a U.S. EPA identification number will be assigned. Transportation of hazardous waste is regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT). Hazardous waste must be properly labeled and the transportation vehicles must be properly placarded before transportation. A transporter may not accept hazardous waste from a generator unless the transporter is also provided with a signed manifest form. Instructions for hazardous waste transporters are provided in IDEM’s Hazardous Waste Transporters [PDF] guidance document.

Hazardous Waste Transfer Facility

A transfer facility is defined as any transportation-related facility, such as loading docks, parking areas, storage areas, and other similar areas where shipments are temporarily held. Owners or operators of hazardous waste transfer facilities conducting certain activities are required to notify IDEM. Instructions are provided on the Hazardous Waste Transfer Facilities Notification page. A hazardous waste transporter may hold waste without a storage permit in containers at a transfer facility for 10 days or less as long as the waste is manifested and kept in U.S. DOT specification containers. If the waste is held for more than 10 days, the transfer facility becomes a storage facility and needs to have a permit. Storage in stationary containers is prohibited unless the transfer facility has a RCRA permit. If transporters of universal waste exceed the 10-day holding period, they need to manage the universal waste according to their handler classification.

Solid Waste Transportation

A solid waste hauler is a person who operates a vehicle in which solid waste is transported to a permitted solid waste processing facility such as a transfer station, or a final disposal facility such as a landfill or incinerator. Solid waste haulers are defined in the Indiana Code (IC) at IC 13-11-2-207. An IDEM registration or a permit is not required to transport nonhazardous waste from a household, or a commercial or industrial source. However, solid waste haulers should contact their local authorities or solid waste management districts to learn about any local requirements for transporting solid waste within their district and obtain any necessary registration, permit, or license to transport. They also should check Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and local (county and city) standards regarding weight limits and covered loads.

Solid Waste Transfer Stations

Facilities where solid waste is transferred from a vehicle or container to another vehicle or container for transportation purposes (IC 13-11-2-235 and 329 IAC 11-2-47) are required to a have permit from IDEM.

Municipal Waste Transportation

Shipments of municipal waste from solid waste processing facilities, including transfer stations, must be accompanied by a manifest (329 IAC 11-15-2).

Waste Tire Transportation

Companies that transport waste tires in Indiana must obtain a registration.

Infectious Waste Transportation

Transporters of treated and untreated infectious waste must also follow the Indiana State Department of Health rules found in 410 IAC 1-3. This requirement includes labeling and placarding.