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Earth Day Classroom Presentation Requests due February 21
In observance of Earth Day, IDEM offers free, hands-on classroom presentations to elementary schools across the state during the month of April.
Presentations are available for K-6 grades in elementary schools. Each school may request up to four presentations (30-50 minutes each). Classroom size must be limited to a maximum of 30 students. Each classroom is limited to one topic/one presentation. Presentations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
To request an Earth Day Classroom Presentation, please complete this form by February 21. Visit the Earth Day Classroom Presentations page for more information.
Funding Available for Clean Air Projects - RFPs due February 28
IDEM recently announced the availability of funding for the next round of grants for Indiana’s DieselWise Program. Public and private entities may submit applications, and the Request for Proposals (RFP) deadline is February 28, 2025.
Application materials and information can be found at idem.IN.gov/airquality/dieselwise.
2025 Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence Applications and Nominations Due March 7
Presented annually since 1994, the Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence has become one of Indiana’s most prestigious environmental awards. IDEM recently updated the award criteria for the Greening of the Government category to allow state, county and local government agencies of all sizes the opportunity to have their successful programs recognized.
Eligible projects must have occurred in Indiana and been implemented in 2023 or 2024. Nomination forms and instructions are available at the link above.
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