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Corrections & Amendments

Requirements to correct or amend a vital record vary widely depending on the requested change.

To make sure that the proper procedure is followed for the correction you request, please contact Vital Records at (317) 233-2700, and you will be directed to the appropriate personnel.

Amend or Correct a Record
Who is qualified? Individual listed on the certificate Parent/guardian (if a minor)
What can be changed? Simple corrections that do not require a court order:
  • Minor spelling changes
  • Date of birth changes (day only)
  • Parent's birthplace
When is a court order needed? **For a complete list, contact IDOH Vital Records** Sex change
Legal name change
Previous correction or amendment made to the record
What documentation is needed? **Please see Documentary Evidence List for more information** Documents must be over ten (10) years old**:
  • Court Order
  • School Records
  • Life Insurance Policies
  • Application for Marriage License
  • Voter’s Registration Card
  • Military Discharge
  • Census Report
  • Employment Records
  • Birth Record(s) of children
  • Hospital records of birth
  • High school diploma

To correct or amend a birth certificate, please call (317) 233-2700.

For information concerning married same-sex couples or surrogates being placed on the birth record, submit a Help Desk ticket.

Paternity Affidavit
What is a paternity affidavit? Signed and notarized document stating who the legal father is
Who signs the paternity affidavit? Mother
When is a paternity affidavit needed? After a child is born out of wedlock and the father wishes to be on the birth certificate
Where can a paternity affidavit be signed? Hospital
  • Within the first 72 hours after birth
Local Health Department
  • After 72 hours and before 18 years
  • Must happen in county the birth occurred
How can I find a filed paternity affidavit? Complete and submit the following form:

For more information about establishing paternity with a Paternity Affidavit, review the *Establishing Paternity Brochure or *Estableciendo Paternidad Folleto developed by the Department of Child Services, in conjunction with Vital Records.

For questions or more information about filing a Paternity Affidavit or conducting a search, please contact Vital Records at (317) 233-2700.

To make changes to a death certificate, you will need to contact the funeral director, physician, or coroner who filed the original certificate to request the necessary changes.

The funeral director must make the changes, sign, and refile the amended certificate. The medical certifier must also sign the amended certificate. If the original signatures cannot be obtained, a court order is required.