- Complaints about an establishment
- Complaints about a food product
- Complaints of illness
- Who should I report to?
- Cleanliness/sanitation
- Poor employee practices
- Improperly cooked or handled food
- Foreign material in food
- Foreign material in a product
- Chemical taste/smell
- Tampering
If you suspect you or your party have become ill from eating food purchased at a restaurant or food store, call your local health department as soon as possible. If you are still symptomatic and you have leftover food, the health department may ask for a sample.
Typical symptoms of foodborne illness include, but are not limited to nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, dehydration, headache, or fever. Depending on the bacterial, viral or chemical agent responsible for illness, symptoms may begin in as little as one half hour to several weeks. For more information, see our foodborne illness page.
All food-related complaints may be submitted to the Indiana Department of Health, Food Protection Division by clicking on the link below.
Food Complaints
Please choose the county in which the complaint occurred, when prompted, and provide as much detail as possible when entering information.
Disclaimer: Information submitted on this form may be considered public record and subject to disclosure.