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GIS Day 2024 Pictures

GIS Day 2024 Event Close

By the Indiana Geographic Information Office - November 27, 2024

GIS Day 2024 was a fantastic celebration of Indiana's GIS community! Additionally, the event revealed some interesting data. Below is a list of statistics from this year’s event!

  • 31 volunteers and 12 State agencies were involved in the development of this event!
  • 20 exhibitors participated
    • Half of exhibitors decided to provide financial sponsorship for the event in the form of providing snacks, lunch, drinks, hand-on training and closing session giveaways!
  • Of the 360 attendees:
    • Over half indicated this was their first GIS Day event.
    • 31 were students
    • 154 described their skill level as Intermediate, 141 identified as being beginners, and 96 were classified as advanced.
      • These numbers teach us that for some people GIS Day may be their first exposure to GIS and its application. Next year we will put a greater focus on beginner sessions which use less industry terminology to ensure everyone can understand the material and its impact.
  • 20 presentations were given, which is a reduction from the traditional 30 presentation showcase. The feedback survey is revealing that this change improved the average attendee experience.
  • The hands-on training was at near maximum capacity for the entire day. Again, this shows us that GIS Day attendees value leaving training and skill building at this event.
  • This year, the GIS community developed an agenda application. The data from that application that it was used, on average, four times by every person in attendance.
  • This year, we launched the "Meeting & Eating" rooms to help industry professional and those new to GIS to know each other better. The goal of this was to reinforced a collaborative culture around GIS Day. These years were at max capacity during lunch. Next year, we plan to expand this effort.
  • From the keynote presentation, here are a few key highlights:

If you were able to attend this year's event, please check your email for the feedback survey. We thank you for helping us improve GIS Day year after year!

Thank you to the GIS Day speakers:

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Thank you to the GIS Day Sponsors:

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