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About DHHS

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services provides assistance to identify and find resources to meet the needs of deaf and hard of hearing individuals and their families, throughout the state of Indiana.

DHHS feedback/ Grievances

  • ASL grievance video
  • Deaf consumers and interpreters are encouraged to provide feedback and recommendations on the following form to assist DHHS in improving services to Hoosiers who are deaf or hard of hearing. feedback form
  • At this time the feedback/recommendation form is not able to be completed online. To submit the form, please print the completed from and scan or mail it to DHHS at or Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, 402 W. Washington St., MS 23 IGCS, Rm. W453, Indianapolis, IN 46204

DHHS provides interpreters for those Deaf/Hard of Hearing Indiana residents that are accessing services from a state agency for the first time.  
If an existing client is requesting accommodations, the state agency would be responsible in contacting the current QPA provider for interpreting/CART services.
State agencies that are requesting interpreter/CART services please complete the 54200 State Form – link below.

State agency interpreter/CART request

To request interpreters for those Deaf/Hard of Hearing Indiana residents who are accessing services, state agencies must contact Globo Holdings LLC at to request assistance.  DHHS can assist with resources and information if necessary.

Please note: State agencies are responsible for their ADA accommodation (interpreters, CART providers) expenses.

Contact information

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
402 W. Washington St., MS 23
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-542-3325

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