Information for Indiana Intrastate Fuel Tax Customers
The Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR) would like to inform customers of recent legislative changes (House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1050) affecting intrastate fuel tax registrations, decal display, and quarterly tax returns. View the Intrastate Notice and chart to determine your specific requirements effective January 1, 2024.
Electronic Logging Devices
February 17, 2023
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently removed three Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) from the Registered Devices List. The FMCSA links below contain details for each revoked ELD and steps to take if your device is not compliant.
General Information
The Motor Carrier Services (MCS) department is a specialized business unit within the Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR) providing support to motor carrier companies in Indiana and beyond.
MCS manages the International Fuel Tax Agreement, International Registration Plan, oversize/overweight vehicle permitting and the issuing of USDOT numbers, Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) and the licensing of passenger and household goods transportation providers.
MCS is recognized as the nation's premier provider—public or private—of services to the motor carrier industry, serving nearly 25% of all trucks and trailers on the roads in the United States. DOR accomplished this by utilizing custom-built systems for online transactions and employing a unique "one-stop-shop" location with over 85 professionals dedicated to assisting customers.
Customer Service
Although most motor carrier-related transactions can be completed online, customers can get in person service at Motor Carrier Services, located at 7811 Milhouse Road, Suite M, Indianapolis, IN, 46241.
Appointments at the MCS Customer Service Center are required to open new IRP or IFTA accounts. Schedule an appointment online or by calling 317-615-7200, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. ET. Walk-in service for other motor carrier transactions is available during normal business hours.
Appointments, including those for service providers, are limited to one person or one account per scheduled appointment.
Motor carrier customer service is available at the Motor Carrier Services location only. Customer service for other tax types is available through DOR's district offices.
See directions, safety guidelines, and additional information.
MCS Online Services
Customers can perform almost all motor carrier transactions online safely and quickly. Register for an account today! Our staff is happy to help you walk through online transactions over the phone. Please contact the appropriate MCS team for assistance.
Browser Requirements
Customers cannot access the MCS transaction system using Internet Explorer.
The system is compatible with: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge. DOR recommends that users download and install or update their compatible browser of choice (as needed) before their next visit to our transaction system. To install one of these browsers, click on the browser’s name (above) or refer to the requirement instructions.
Electronic Transaction Mandate
Under state law, IRP and BPR transactions must be conducted electronically. The following resources are available to help customers navigate MCS's online transaction system:
Indiana Oversize Overweight Permitting System
Users should have only one tab open at one time. Other tabs may open during the permitting process to show reference information. You need to close these tabs when you are finished reviewing the information and return to the original tab. For more information on using the new system, refer to the comprehensive user guide, and other resources.
Information for OSOW customers: Users should have only one tab open at one time. Other tabs may open during the permitting process to show reference information. You need to close these tabs when you are finished reviewing the information and return to the original tab.