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Historic Renovation Grant Program

Program Overview

The Historic Renovation Grant Program (HRGP) is a matching grant for exterior rehabilitation of historic properties that are currently or will be used for income-producing purposes or are owned and used by a nonprofit organization or nonprofit corporation for the organization's or corporation's purposes and functions.

The program is administered by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) with the assistance of the Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology (DHPA). For more information on the requirements of the program and to download the grant application, please visit OCRA’s HRGP website.

Update on the Historic Renovation Grant Program

During the 2023 legislative session, the Indiana General Assembly approved the 2023–2025 biennial budget for the state. Because this budget does not include funding for the Historic Renovation Grant Program, no additional grants from this program will be awarded; however, OCRA will continue to work with previously funded projects and recipients.

The Indiana General Assembly did approve legislation establishing the Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit to be administered by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. OCRA is working with IEDC to determine the most impactful way to deploy resources to support historic rehabilitation projects across the state. Additional details on the Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit will be forthcoming.

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