- Traffic Safety
- Current: CHIRP Grant
Comprehensive Hoosier Highway Injury Reduction Program (CHIRP) Grant
Grant Status Closed
The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) Traffic Safety Division (TSD) is seeking proposals for the Comprehensive Highway Injury Reduction Program (CHIRP). CHIRP provides federal funding to support traffic safety projects. CHIRP incorporates efforts to improve occupant restraint use, reduce speeding, enforce impaired driving laws, support pedestrian safety, educate the public on traffic safety, and encourage collaboration at the local level as a comprehensive strategy.
CHIRP Projects
There are five.grant projects under CHIRP:
- Click It to Live It (CITLI) – Project period: 10/01/24 - 9/30/25
- Driving Under the Influence Taskforce (DUITF) – Project period: 10/01/24 - 9/30/25
- Stop Arm Violation Enforcement Project (SAVE) – Project period: 10/01/24 – 09/30/25
- High Visibility Motorcycle Project (MC-HVA) – Project period: 10/01/24 - 9/30/25
- PEDBIKE Project (Ped-Bike) – Project period: 10/01/24 - 9/30/25
All law enforcement agencies are eligible to apply. Applicants must demonstrate a data driven problem identification for increased enforcement or education in their community, the willingness to commit to traffic safety priorities, and the ability to demonstrate quantifiable and measurable improvement of the identified problem.
Federal funds allocated to finance state and local government highway safety projects are intended to supplement, not be a substitute for, ongoing state or local program expenditures. Projects should be designed to eliminate a deficiency in an applicant agency's program or to expand an existing program.
The grant contract is October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025. Grantees are encouraged to participate in all grant programs; however, applicants must be able to meet all the requirements. Applicants must select the grant programs when submitting proposals submitted via IntelliGrants. TSD has the right to refuse incomplete applications.
(1) This is a reimbursement grant.
(2) For Enforcement Projects Only:
- There are four mandatory NHTSA mobilization periods
- Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over (Dec 2024-Jan 2025)
- Distracted Driving (April 2025)
- Seat Belt Safety (May/June 2025)
- Drunk Driving, Drug-Impaired Driving (Labor Day 2025)
- Enforcement details are for overtime reimbursement only.
- The enforcement overtime rate for officers must be based on the agency’s overtime policy.
- All officers working enforcement hours must have successfully completed the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy’s Tier I or Tier II training requirements.
(3) Subrecipients must conduct media releases prior to a scheduled mobilization using only the TSD approved language.
(4) Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) callouts may use CITLI or DUITF funds if the main applicant or its Traffic Safety Partnership (TSP) agencies have a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE).
(5) Law Enforcement Phlebotomist (LEP) callouts may use CITLI or DUITF funds if the main applicant or its TSP has a LEP.
(6) Administrative costs cannot exceed 15% of the total funds requested.
(7) Equipment related projects:
- Enforcement Projects: The only equipment that may be purchased under this grant is lidars and/or radars. Equipment can not be leased or rented.
- Impaired Enforcement Project: The only equipment that may be purchased under this grant is portable breath test (PBT) instruments and oral fluid units.
- Equipment is not allowed as a standalone project.
- All equipment must be purchased, installed, and ready for use by the end of the second quarter.
- All subrecipients must comply with 23 CFR Part 1300.31.
- All subrecipients must comply with the Buy America requirements (23 U.S.C. 313) when purchasing items using federal funds.
- Real estate.
- Weapons, ammunition, body armor, and/or accessories for same.
- Fuel.
- First Class travel.
- Advance payments.
- Calculations and reimbursement for mileage, per diem, and lodging cannot exceed the state rate.
- Lobbying.
- Fundraising.
- Entertainment.
- Fines and penalties.
- Home office workspace and related utilities.
- Honoraria.
- Passport charges.
- Tips.
- Food and/or beverages.
- Membership fees to organizations whose primary activity is lobby.
- Land acquisition.
- Bonuses or commissions.
CHIRP funds may not be used (directly or indirectly) for any of the following items:
Additionally, CHIRP funds may not be used for any purpose prohibited by federal statute or regulation. Federal law prohibits the use of federal funds for certain activities irrespective of the federal funding source or the specifics of the grant program. These prohibitions include but may not be limited to:
Match is the portion of the project not paid by federal funds. There is a 20% match requirement for CHIRP. Applicants must identify all sources of the non-federal portion of the total project costs (i.e., match funds), and explain how the match funds will be used in the budget narrative section of the application within IntelliGrants.
- Match sources must be directly related to occupant protection/ traffic safety activities.
- Match sources for all tangible equipment purchases over $500 must be in the form of a 20% cash match.
- Match sources for instructional time or personnel time can be personnel salary, benefits, and/or mileage.
- Personnel salary: Positions must be directly related to occupant protection/traffic safety.
- Mileage: Mileage shall be reported as match at no more than the approved state mileage rate at the time of application.
- In order to calculate match:
- The subrecipient match is 20 percent, divided by the federal share match is 80 percent; or 20 divided by 80.
- Twenty divided by 80 equals .25.
- .25 multiplied by federal share equals the minimum amount the subrecipient must provide for match.
.25 × project award (federal portion) = subrecipient match.
Project awarded (subrecipient requested amount): $10,000
20 ÷ 80 =.25
.25 × $10,000 = $2,500
Match = $2,500
A minimum of 20% match must be reported on each fiscal report for expenses to be reimbursed. Failure to report the minimum match on a fiscal report may result in the fiscal report being returned for modification.
Additionally, matching funds must meet the following criteria:
- Must be verifiable from the subrecipient’s records.
- Are not included as contributions for any other federal award.
- Are necessary and reasonable for the accomplishment of the project or program objectives.
- Are allowable under 2 CFR 200.306.
- Are not paid by the federal government under another federal award.
- Are provided for in the approved budget.
- Conform to all other provisions of 2 CFR Part 200.
2 CFR Part 200 and NHTSA guidelines set forth monitoring requirements whereby the state must establish and carry out a process of assessing the progress of projects and programs that are funded, in whole or in part, by federal funds. Grant monitoring measures both financial and programmatic progress and allows the TSD to provide technical assistance, measure subrecipient compliance, and provide results-based feedback to subrecipients.
The TSD will monitor grant programs based on the award amount and/or risk assessment. The TSD grant program managers will conduct desk or on-site monitoring reviews of the project or program during the term of the grant period and for up to three (3) years after it expires or is otherwise terminated. All documentation related to the grant shall be provided to the state, upon request, at no cost. If the subrecipient fails to comply or cooperate with the state’s monitoring process, the state may consider such non-cooperation as a material breach of the grant agreement, and the grant may be terminated.
Delinquent, inaccurate, incomplete, and/or fraudulent program and fiscal reports will be considered a material breach of the grant agreement. TSD’s remedies include, but are not limited to, identifying the subrecipient as high risk, de-obligating funding, termination of the grant, disqualification from future funding, and/or referral to the U.S. Office of Inspector General.
CHIRP grantees are required to submit fiscal and programmatic reports using IntelliGrants. Monthly reporting is due on the last day of each month, and quarterly reports are required to be completed by each agency based on the schedule outlined in the "Reports Section" of the Request for Proposal.
The following documentation must be included with each program report submitted into the IntelliGrants system:
- Pre-enforcement media, using only TSD-approved language.
- Program Totals report from the OPO Database.
- Pre & Post Seatbelt Survey Totals (Safe Family Travels and Click It or Ticket Only).
The following documentation must be included with each fiscal report submitted into the IntelliGrants system. If no performance was completed during the reporting period, marked items must still be included.
- Personnel Detail report from the OPO Database.
- Administrative log (if admin time is applicable).
- Signed Officer Activity Sheets.
- Corresponding paystubs.
Technical Assistance
For assistance with the CHIRP grant, please contact your regional Law Enforcement Liaison.
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