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Youth, Family, and Caregiver Engagement

The Children’s Commission is committed to developing a statewide plan to support, encourage, and expand the engagement of youth, families, and caregivers in state policymaking. Throughout the past few years, the Commission has made considerable strides toward the vision for a collaborative engagement space where the individuals most impacted by state system policies are directly involved in their development.

Stories of Our Lives: Strategic Sharing Summit

In the fall of 2024, The Children’s Commission hosted a 3-part virtual summit, focused on the power of personal storytelling, the significance of lived experiences, and practical strategies for harnessing stories to drive meaningful change and systemic transformation. The summit featured a keynote speaker, training on strategic sharing, and a peer-led young adult panel discussion. To watch the recorded sessions, visit the Summit Playlist.

Day of the Child: Continuing CISC’s Strategic Sharing Summit 

The Commission on Improving the Status of Children in Indiana is proud to partner with the Marion County Commission on Youth (MCCOY) and the Indiana Youth Institute (IYI) to facilitate our annual Day of the Child Event. Hosted each February, the Day of the Child event is meant to inform the public about the experiences of youth and connect youth to the resources and advocacy opportunities available to them, and also features a Youth Day at the Statehouse with MCCOY, a State of the Child presentation from IYI, and a variety of youth-focused programming centered around the theme for this year’s event: Strategic Sharing. How can youth use their voices to make lasting, desired change, and how can our existing policy and community development systems be changed to better include youth voices in the process? The Commission will also host a second day at the Statehouse on February 18th, featuring interactive listening sessions, strategic discussions, and networking opportunities designed to foster collaboration and insight for both professionals and young people. For registration and more information, visit the events page.

BEST Youth Initiative

The Forum for Youth Investment (FYI) selected Indiana as one of five states to participate in the Building Ecosystems Statewide for Thriving (BEST) Youth Initiative. This three-year technical assistance program will support the Children's Commission, Department of Education (DOE), Department of Health (DOH), Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA), four youth representatives, and a parent representative collaborating on the issue of chronic absenteeism. For more information, read the full announcement.