- What is Purdue Extension?
Purdue Extension is:
- An educational source for self-paced students, teachers, and groups.
- A business resource for self-employed people, small businesses, and manufacturers.
- A place where Indiana’s young people become leaders.
- A place where families can learn and grow.
- An agricultural organization that understands consumers.
- A consumer organization that understands agriculture.
- A research and support system for community development.
- An objective source for scientific information.
- A link to research, information, knowledge, and practice.
- One key way Purdue University is engaged in local communities. To citizens of Grant County, this means the local Purdue Extension office is here for you—to be your resource for anything and everything. As Indiana’s land-grant university, Purdue serves Grant County through the staff and resources of the local Purdue Extension office, located on the 4th floor of the Grant County Office Building.
- What are the major Program areas of Purdue Extension?
Purdue Extension has four main program areas:
- Agriculture/Natural Resources
- Health & Human Sciences
- 4-H/Youth development
- Leadership and Community Development
- What is 4-H/Youth Development?
4-H fosters life skills development through hands-on learning opportunities for youth. Caring volunteers contribute to positive youth development. Youths in grades K, 1st, and 2nd can be involved in “Mini 4-H,” while youth in grades 3-12 may be involved in the 4-H program. A wide range of project choices are available that appeal to urban and rural youths. Junior Leaders are 4-H members in grades 7-12 that develop leadership through service learning. Teachers may take advantage of several school enrichment program options, available for use in the classroom.
- What is Agriculture and Natural Resources?
The Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) program reaches beyond traditional agriculture to meet the needs of citizens and homeowners. Traditional agriculture is served though programs, such as private Pesticide Applicator Re-certification Programs (PARP), and through topics such as integrated pest management, farm management, agronomy, and animal science. Homeowners benefit from ANR Extension Educators through information about pest identification and control, home lawns & gardens, trees, and landscape plants. Many people enjoy serving as a volunteer in the Master Gardener program. Educational venues include personal consultations, group meetings, newspaper articles, newsletters, and radio.
- What does Health & Human Sciences program focus on?
The Health & Human Sciences (HHS) program focuses on three main areas:
- Human development
- Foods and nutrition
- Family resource management
Education on a wide variety of subjects affecting families or consumers is also offered to various groups and service organizations in the county with which we partner, and through newspaper and radio. The HHS Extension Educator serves as adviser to Extension Homemaker Clubs (EHC), an organization of homemakers in Grant County that serve the community and continue to learn about current issues that affect home and family. A Family Nutrition Adviser through the Nutrition Educations Program works with families with limited resources to offer food preparation and food safety lessons face-to-face in homes. This person works from referrals from several social service agencies in the county.
- How does the Leadership and Community Development program function?
All local Extension Educators function, to some extent, in the area of Leadership and Community Development (LCD). Examples are involvements with Area Plan Commission, new business ventures, area agencies that serve families and children, and educational programs for groups.