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Town Seeking Handymen Services, Volunteer Gardeners

The town is looking for insured handymen (local preferred) who may be called upon from time to time for town services. This may include reinstalling street signs, hanging banners and flags, clearing storm drains, making repairs to outdoor items like playground equipment or fences, and fixing items in the town hall or police station. If interested and insured, please contact

Every summer, the town plants flowers in pots along Crawfordsville Road that need watered on a frequent basis. Volunteers from the Clermont Lions Club have handled this in recent years, but additional volunteers are being sought to share the load. If you can help keep the roadside flowerpots watered, email or Facilities Maintenance Commissioner Kim Sauro at

Proposed Revisions to Clermont Municipal Code

At the July 13, 2023, town council meeting, the revised Clermont Municipal Code was introduced. The council will be working on simplifying the code over the next few months. The public is welcome to view the proposed revised code at After the revised code has been adopted, it will be permanently hosted online. Questions may be directed to