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Counseling Programs

The following counseling programs are available to inmates of the Harrison County Jail during their incarceration.

Narcotics Anonymous

Segments of the inmate population have drug problems, which in part, can be addressed through drug counseling. Narcotics Anonymous classes are offered to any inmate who wishes to attend and is provided every week.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholism creates a serious threat to an individual’s well-being.  This counseling program presents an opportunity for help to the inmate in need.  Alcoholics Anonymous classes are offered to any inmate who wishes to attend and are provided every week.

Mentoring Program

The Harrison County Sheriff’s Department implemented the Mentoring Program to assist inmates with re-entry into society upon release. Several aspects are introduced to inmates during their weekly sessions with their mentor; including, but not limited to: becoming a law-abiding citizen, obtaining and maintaining gainful employment, breaking the “cycle” of criminal behavior, and sustaining a responsible, dependable, and successful lifestyle. The Mentoring Program is offered to inmates wishing to participate six days a week.