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To file a complaint against a provider, please use the link below. All complaints are investigated by the Attorney General's Office and are confidential unless formal charges are filed by the Attorney General's Office with the Board. For more information, the Attorney General's Office may be contacted at 317-232-6201.

Information on the process of submitting a Consumer complaint can be found on the Consumer Complaint Process page.


  • Statutes & Rules

    The most current version of the Indiana statutes and rules may be accessed using the citations below.

    Title 25 Article 0.5. Applicability of Certain Provisions in IC 25-1

    • Chapter 1. Initial License or Certificate Under IC 25-1-1.1-4
    • Chapter 2. Permits, Licenses, Certificates of Registration, and Evidences of Authority Under IC 25-1-2-2.1
    • Chapter 3. Entities Under IC 25-1-2-6
    • Chapter 4. "Board" as Used in IC 25-1-4
    • Chapter 5. Performance of Administrative Functions, Duties, and Responsibilities for Entities by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency Under IC 25-1-5-3
    • Chapter 6. "Provider" as Used in IC 25-1-5-10
    • Chapter 8. "Regulated Occupation" for Purposes of IC 25-1-7
    • Chapter 9. "Board" as Used in IC 25-1-8
    • Chapter 10. "Board" as Used in IC 25-1-8-6
    • Chapter 11. "Board" as Used in IC 25-1-9
    • Chapter 12.  "Board" as Used in IC 25-1-11

    Title 25 Article 1. General Provisions

    • Chapter 0.1. Effect of Certain Acts
    • Chapter 1. Evidence of License Applicant's Payment of Personal Property Taxes Required
    • Chapter 1.1. Effect of Criminal Convictions on Licensed or Registered Persons
    • Chapter 1.2. Effect of Delinquency in Child Support Payments on Licensed or Registered Persons
    • Chapter 2. Renewal of Licenses Granted by State Agencies
    • Chapter 3. Civil Immunity of Regulatory Agencies
    • Chapter 4. Continuing Education
    • Chapter 5. Professional Licensing Agency
    • Chapter 5.5. Electronic Registry of Professions
    • Chapter 6. Professional Licensing Agency Functions and Duties
    • Chapter 7. Investigation and Prosecution of Complaints
    • Chapter 8. Occupational and Professional Licensure, Registration, and Certification Fees
    • Chapter 9. Health Professions Standards of Practice
    • Chapter 11. Professional Licensing Standards of Practice
    • Chapter 12. Renewal of Licenses Held by Individuals in Military Service
    • Chapter 13. Indiana Scheduled Prescription Electronic
    • Chapter 15. Exemptions for Athletic Organization Practitioners Licensed in Other Jurisdictions
    • Chapter 16. Evaluation of Regulated Occupations
    • Chapter 17. Licensure of Individuals with Military Training
    • Chapter 18. Pilot Program for State Registration of Privately Certified Individuals
    • Chapter 19. Scleral Tattooing
    • Chapter 20. Effect of a State Disaster Emergency on Professional Disciplinary Action
    • Chapter 21. Reciprocity for Health Care Professionals

    Title 25 Article 33. Psychologists

    • Chapter 1. Regulation of Psychologists; Creation of Board
    • Chapter 2. Continuing Education

    Title 16 Article 18. Health General Provisions and Definitions

    • Chapter 1. General Provisions
    • Chapter 2. Definitions

    Title 16 Article 39. Health Records

    • Chapter 1. Release of Health Records to Patient and Authorized Persons
    • Chapter 2. Release of Mental Health Records to Patient and Authorized Persons
    • Chapter 3. Release of Mental Health Records in Investigations and Legal Proceedings
    • Chapter 4. Provision of Mental Health Information
    • Chapter 5. Release of Health Records to Third Parties for Legitimate Business Purposes
    • Chapter 6. Access to Hospital Records by Hospital Medical Staff Committees
    • Chapter 7. Maintenance of Health Records; X-rays, and Other Tests
    • Chapter 7.1 Autopsy Records
    • Chapter 8. Immunity from Liability
    • Chapter 9. Charges Permitted for Providing Copies of Medical Records
    • Chapter 10. Disclosure of Protected Health Information
    • Chapter 11. COVID-19 Immunization Records

    Title 31 Article 9. Family Law and Juvenile Law – Definitions

    • Chapter 1. General Provisions
    • Chapter 2. Definitions

    Title 31 Article 33. Juvenile Law – Reporting and Investigation of Child Abuse and Neglect

    • Chapter 1. General Provisions/Purpose of Article
    • Chapter 3. Establishment of Community Child Protection Team
    • Chapter 4. Local Plan for Provision of Child Protection Services
    • Chapter 5. Duty to Report Child Abuse or Neglect
    • Chapter 6. Immunity of Persons Who Report Child Abuse or Neglect
    • Chapter 7. Receipt of Report of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
    • Chapter 8. Investigation of Reports of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
    • Chapter 9. Designation of Public of Private Agencies to Investigate Reports of Abuse or Neglect of a Child under the Care of a Public or Private Institution.
    • Chapter 10. Duty of Health Care Provider to Examine, Photograph, and X-ray Child Who is Subject of Child Abuse or Neglect Report.
    • Chapter 11. Duty of Hospital Not to Release Child Who is Subject of Child Abuse or Neglect Report
    • Chapter 14. Referral of Case to Juvenile Court Following Investigation of Report of Child Abuse or Neglect: Juvenile Court Proceeding
    • Chapter 15. Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem or Court Appointed Special Advocate
    • Chapter 16. Review of Status of Child by Juvenile Court
    • Chapter 18. Disclosure of Reports; Confidentiality Requirements
    • Chapter 22. Offenses; Access to Unsubstantiated False Reports
    • Chapter 26. Child Protection Index
    • Chapter 27. Expungement of Child Abuse or Neglect Report

    Title 34 Article 30. Immunity from Civil Liability

    • Chapter 16. Health Care: Privileged Communications of Mental Health Service Providers

    Title 868 Article 1.1. State Psychology Board

    • Rule 1. General Definitions
    • Rule 2. The Board of Examiners
    • Rule 3. Application
    • Rule 4. Educational Qualifications for Licensure
    • Rule 5. Examinations
    • Rule 6. Professional Experience (Repealed)
    • Rule 7. Private Practice
    • Rule 8. Certificate Renewal (Repealed)
    • Rule 8.1. Continuing Education (Repealed)
    • Rule 9. Rosters (Repealed)
    • Rule 10. Endorsement (Repealed)
    • Rule 10.1. Endorsement
    • Rule 11. Code of Professional Conduct
    • Rule 12. Fee Schedule
    • Rule 13. Health Service Providers
    • Rule 14. Disciplinary Actions
    • Rule 15. Continuing Education
  • Other Governing Bodies and Associations
    Indiana Psychological Association

    Indiana Psychological Association
    11650 Olio Rd Suite 1000-208
    Fishers, IN  46037


    (317) 257-7449


    American Psychological Association

    American Psychological Association
    750 First Street, NE
    Washington, DC 20002-4242

    Telephone: (800) 374-2721 or (202) 336-5500


  • Scope of Practice Rulings

    Licensed practitioners that have a specific question or questions about the scope of practice of their licensed profession may request a "practice ruling" from the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (PLA) and the Indiana State Psychology Board (the Board). The PLA and the Board may provide a formal determination/interpretation based on the practitioner's factual situations/circumstances. Licensed practitioners may submit a "Request for Practice Ruling" through the web-based form provided on the PLA's "Request for Practice Ruling" web page. Additional information and instructions for submitting a "Request for Practice Ruling " are provided on the web page.

    All requests will be reviewed by the PLA's legal team, and PLA's legal team will draft a ruling for the Board's consideration and potential adoption. All rulings adopted by the Board will be posted to the Indiana Register as well as the comprehensive list provided on the the PLA's "Request for Practice Ruling" web page.

  • Requirements for Providing Services and Prescriptions through Telehealth

Contact Information

    Cindy Vaught, Board Director
    Dana Brooks, Assistant Director

    Staff E-mail:
    Staff Phone Number: (317) 232-2960

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