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Indiana Board of Pharmacy

Indiana Board of Pharmacy Members

  • Board Members as of 2023

    The Indiana Board of Pharmacy consists of seven members appointed by the governor for terms of four years.  Six members must be pharmacists in good standing of recognized experience and ability from varied practice settings who hold a current license to practice pharmacy in Indiana; one of these pharmacists must be a practicing hospital pharmacist. The seventh member represents the general public, being a resident of Indiana and someone who has never been associated with pharmacy in anyway other than as a consumer.

    • Jason Jablonski, R.Ph., President
    • Steven Anderson R.Ph., Vice President
    • Mark Smosna, R.Ph.
    • Mark Bunton, R.Ph.
    • Matt Balla., R.Ph.
    • Andrew Meador, C.Ph.T.
    • Kate Snedeker, Consumer Member

Indiana Board of Pharmacy Calendar & Dates

  • Dates to Remember

    The Board plans to meet on the dates listed below. Please note that meeting dates are subject to change. Always check the posted agenda for the actual meeting date, time, and room number.

    Unless other wise noted below, Board meetings will be held in room W064 of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, Indiana Government Center South, 402 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.

    Regularly scheduled meetings begin at 8:30 am local time.

    2024 Meeting Dates

    • January 8
    • February 12
    • March 11
    • April 15 - **UPDATED**
    • May 13
    • June 10
    • July 8
    • August 12
    • September 9
    • October 7
    • November 18
    • December 9

Indiana Board of Pharmacy Minutes & Agendas

  • NOTICE: Pursuant to the requirements of IC 5-14-1.5-2.9, recordings (archived copies) of the Indiana Board of Pharmacy’s public meetings are available here on the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency's (PLA's) YouTube Channel. Members of the public may submit public records requests online through the PLA’s APRA Portal, to potentially obtain recordings and/or records that are not currently available on the PLA’s YouTube Channel or here on the website, and are still within the State of Indiana’s retention schedules, the PLA’s retention schedules, or any other retention period afforded by law.

Other Indiana Board of Pharmacy Information

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