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Medical (Physicians & Osteopathic Physicians) Home

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  • Current: Medical (Physicians & Osteopathic Physicians) Home


Effective Immediately:  Licensure by reciprocity is available to applicants. For more information regarding the requirements for this license type, as well as directions on how to apply, please refer to the “Information Regarding Reciprocity” section under Application Instructions.

Due to statutory requirements regarding processing times for application fees, the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency will no longer accept more than ten (10) fees per individual check for the application or renewal of an acupuncture license with the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana.

If a check is received with more than ten (10) fees per check, it may result in the return of your check along with the applications or renewals to your program for correction.  Further delays in processing time, as a result of more than ten (10) fees per check, may also lead to potential late fees. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your partnership as we continue to work together to issue licenses as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Licensing Information

Board Information

Rulemaking Information

Consumer Information

Use our Online Services to search for a provider or to search for past disciplinary action. The Board does not maintain records of hospital disciplinary actions, federal disciplinary actions, or convictions.

To file a complaint against a provider, please use the link below. All complaints are investigated by the Attorney General's Office and are confidential unless formal charges are filed by the Attorney General's Office with the Board. For more information, the Attorney General's Office may be contacted at 317-232-6201.

Information on the process of submitting a Consumer complaint can be found on the Consumer Complaint Process page.


Contact Information

Christine Maslan, Board Director
Kiko Dixon, Assistant Board Director

Phone Number: (317) 232-2960

All litigation filings should be submitted through the PLA’s Litigation Division Web Form. If your “filing type” is not provided on the webform or you have a litigation-related inquiry, please contact the PLA at

All probation and other disciplinary documents resulting from a Board, Committee, or Commission Order should be submitted to

Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC)

For information on how to apply for a physician license through the compact or other general customer service inquires related to your application, please visit the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission's (IMLCC) website at or contact the IMLCC at

If you have applied or obtained a physician license through the compact to practice in the state of Indiana and are inquiring about the status of your license, please contact PLA's staff at

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