1977 Police Officers' and Firefighters Retirement Fund ('77 Fund)
Members of the '77 Fund include full-time, fully paid police officers and full-time, fully paid firefighters (not including volunteer firefighters), whose employers participate in the Fund, and who were hired or rehired after April 30, 1977.
1977 Fund members must pass the required statewide baseline test (physical examination) and the local board’s mental examinations (35-IAC 2-9)1.
Firefighters and police officers must be less than 40 years of age. Or, you can be a veteran with 20 years of armed forces service with a maximum age of 40 years and 6 months.
Membership Information
Collecting '77 Fund Benefits
- 77 Fund Disability at a Glance Fact Sheet
- 77 Fund Disability Benefit Determinations
- '77 Fund COLA Information
- Retirement Benefit Payment Dates
(same as for PERF Hybrid Plan) - INPRS Retired Member Resources
Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) Benefits

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