Excise, Gaming and Conservation Officers' Retirement Fund
In 1972, the Indiana Legislature established what is now known as the Excise, Gaming and Conservation Officers' Retirement Fund (EG&C).
State employees are eligible for membership in the Excise, Gaming and Conservation Officers' Retirement Plan (EG&C) based on specific criteria outlined in IC 5-10-5.5-5.
The covered positions within the EG&C Plan include state excise police, gaming agents, gaming control officers, and conservation enforcement officers.
All state excise police and conservation enforcement officers hired after Sept. 2, 1971, must join this fund, as membership is a condition of employment.
Gaming agents became covered by the EG&C Plan on July 1, 2005, and gaming control officers became covered on July 1, 2007.
Learn more about your retirement benefits, when they can be collected, and who pays for them below.
Membership Information
Collecting Plan Benefits
- Excise, Gaming and Conservation Plan 13th Checks
- Retirement Benefit Payment Dates
(same as for PERF Hybrid Plan) - INPRS Retired Member Resources
- Who May Act for the Member
Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP)

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