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Destination: Retirement


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Winter 2024 Updates

Dimitri Kyser By Dimitri Kyser - February 8, 2024

A strong financial plan is a great way to begin the year – and it can bring you closer to your dream retirement.

Creating or revisiting a financial plan to replenish your savings and emergency funds minimized in the previous year can serve as a good fiscal and mental reset while placing you in a better position and mindset financially to achieve your short- and long-term goals.

A new year is a perfect time to start a fresh financial strategy. Create budgeting and savings goals to help you accomplish a successful year and work toward your future retirement. PERF and TRF Plan members review your plan rules, see how close you are to vesting, read how saving for medical expenses in retirement can make a difference to your bottom line (and your options), learn how recent rate updates may affect your retirement and more inside INPRS's revamped Destination: Retirement digital magazine.

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