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Advisory Opinions - 2017

  • 17-I-15 Conflict of Interests-Decisions and Voting: A special state appointee requested an opinion to determine if he would have a conflict of interest under IC 4-2-6-9 if he negotiated and accepted employment with a company that had a subcontract with a state agency.
  • 17-I-14 Withdrawn
  • 17-I-13 Post-Employment Restrictions: A state employee and his Ethics Officer sought an opinion to determine if any post-employment restrictions would apply to his prospective employment with an organization that had a contract with his state agency.
  • 17-I-12 Withdrawn
  • 17-I-11 Outside Employment/Conflict of Interests-Decisions and Votes: A new state employee requested advice to determine if she could continue working part-time as a town prosecutor while serving as her agency’s deputy general counsel.
  • 17-I-10 Post-Employment Restrictions: A state employee sought an opinion to determine if her participation in the RFP scoring process would prevent her from accepting a post-employment opportunity with a state contractor.
  • 17-I-9 Post-Employment Restrictions: A former state employee requested advice to determine whether her prior involvement with referrals that her state agency made to her prospective new employer would trigger the post-employment rule’s cooling off requirement.
  • 17-I-8 Post-Employment Restrictions: A former state employee requested advice to determine whether her prior involvement with referrals that her state agency made to her prospective new employer would trigger the post-employment rule’s cooling off requirement.
  • 17-I-7 Gifts: An agency sought advice to determine whether the acceptance of complimentary tickets to publicly-funded events the agency’s employees and special state appointees were monitoring for grant compliance purposes was acceptable under the gifts rule.
  • 17-I-6 Use of State Property: A state agency sought advice regarding the use of state funds to pay for professional membership fees for its employees and whether this use of funds would be considered official state business.
  • 17-I-5 Outside Employment/Conflict of Interests-Decisions and Voting: A state employee requested approval for his outside employment position as a paramedic, a provider of emergency services that the employee oversaw as part of his state duties.
  • 17-I-4 Withdrawn
  • 17-I-3 Outside Employment/Conflict of Interests-Decisions and Voting: An agency’s Ethics Officer requested approval for the agency head’s outside employment in the emergency room of a hospital and for the agency’s proposed screening mechanisms to address conflict of interests concerns under IC 4-2-6-9.
  • 17-I-2 Conflict of Interests-Decisions and Voting/Conflict of Interests-Contracts: A state agency requested approval for its updated confidentiality and conflicts of interests policy that provides for internal screening procedures and a delay in public notice due to the statutory protections afforded to the agency’s negotiations.
  • 17-I-1 Post-Employment Restrictions: A state employee sought an opinion to determine if his participation on a RFP scoring committee, including making recommendations to the agency’s central office, would trigger the post-employment rule’s cooling off restriction.