Central Indiana Water Study
The primary goal of the IFA’s Central Indiana Water Study is to provide the State and affected water utilities a better understanding of the supply and demand of water resources in the Central Indiana region.
Central Indiana is the second regional area to be studied on account of the progress already made by the Central Indiana Drinking Water Collaborative (“Collaborative”); a group of water utilities that previously organized themselves and conduct regular meetings. The study area for the Central Indiana Water Study assumes the same boundaries as the Collaborative, which are: Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby counties.
A public meeting was held August 9, 2021 to present the final results of the study. Press release for the public meeting.
Video 1: Understanding Central Indiana’s Water Resources https://vimeo.com/575029667/6a0f51d986
Video 2: Does Central Indiana Have Enough Water for the Future? https://vimeo.com/12starsmedia/review/644042367/bbe1d7fdbd
Video 3: What’s Needed to Ensure Central Indiana Has Enough Water for the Future? https://vimeo.com/12starsmedia/review/644045872/15d011eba6
Video 4: Central Indiana’s Drinking Water Sources and Challenges https://vimeo.com/12starsmedia/review/622727570/ad424e407e
Regional Water Demand Forecast Report
Regional Water Availability Report
Regional Water Demand Forecast Presentation at the Indiana Water Summit 8-12-2020
Regional Water Availability Presentation at Indiana Water Summit, 8-9-2021
Water Monitoring Network Summary, USGS Presentation, 8-8-2021
Central Indiana Water Study Kick-Off Meeting Presentations 4-29-2019
Sarah Hudson
Director, Water Resources and Infrastructure Planning Program
317-232-2812; sahudson@ifa.in.gov
Program Mailing Address:
100 North Senate Avenue, Rm. 1275
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Fax: 317-234-1338