2016 Archive
May 13, 2016
DEADLINE: 2016 Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence Nominations
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), in conjunction with the Office of Indiana Governor Mike Pence, Lt. Gov. Eric Holcomb’s Office of Energy Development, the Indiana Department of Administration and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, is seeking nominations for the 2016 Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence. To learn more about the 2016 Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence nomination process, visit www.idem.IN.gov/prevention/2358.htm or contact Nathan Christian, program coordinator with IDEM’s Office of Program Support, at (800) 988-7901 or nchristi@idem.IN.gov.
WEBINAR: Seven Things Informed Lenders Should Know About Environmental Due Diligence
2:00 – 3:00pm EST
Join CDFA, U.S. EPA, and experienced brownfield communities which will discuss the key features of a successful Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) and the commonalities and challenges associated with implementing this underutilized financing resource. Learn how even the most challenged or understaffed communities can implement Revolving Loan Fund loans and sub-grants.April 21, 2016
CDFA Brownfields Financing Webinar: Reaching Your Redevelopment Goals With Revolving Loan Funds
2:00 – 3:30pm EST
Join CDFA, U.S. EPA, and experienced brownfield communities which will discuss the key features of a successful Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) and the commonalities and challenges associated with implementing this underutilized financing resource. Learn how even the most challenged or understaffed communities can implement Revolving Loan Fund loans and sub-grants.March 16, 2016
Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs' (OCRA) 2016 Laporte Regional Conference
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. CST
The LaPorte Civic Auditorium - 1001 Ridge Street, LaPorteFeatured speaker will be Lt. Governor Eric Holcomb.
- Community Performance Indicators (CPIs) - Gather insightful information on how to best measure success in rural communities.
- Listening Session - Share your thoughts and opinions with OCRA. How might OCRA be an even better partner and resource to your community?
- New Historic Renovation Grant Program - Learn about the new OCRA program and the opportunity available to enhance historic buildings within Indiana’s cities and towns.
- OCRA Grant Application Process - Gain insightful information on how community applications are reviewed and what components make successful submissions.
- Rural Health - Hear from experts about the challenges communities are facing.
April 8, 2016
DEADLINE: Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) Comprehensive Site Redevelopment Program (CSRP), in partnership with Indiana Finance Authority (IFA), CDBG Round 1 Letters of Intent (LOI)
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding opportunities for brownfields include: Blight Clearance Program and Planning Grants. For more information about deadlines and dates, contact your OCRA Community Liaison and/or visit http://www.in.gov/ocra/2307.htm.April 8, 2016
DEADLINE: Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Letters of Intent (LOIs) LOIs due to info@ocra.IN.gov by 4:00 pm ESTThe following programs are included in this Round 1:
- Wastewater Drinking Water (WDW)
- Stormwater Improvements Program (SIP)
- Public Facilities Program (PFP)
- Blight Clearance Program (BCP)
Full application materials are available at www.in.gov/ocra.
March 10, 2016
2:00 - 4:00 EST
CDBG Informational Session
Ft. Benjamin Harrison, The Garrison Conference Center, IndianapolisLearn more about the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding calendar, 2016 program updates, and meet the OCRA Community Liaisons who live in your region to assist with community and economic development opportunities.
March 11, 2016
DEADLINE: Stellar Communities (multi-agency partnership) Letters of Intent
Launched in 2011, the Stellar Communities Designation Program is a multi-agency partnership designed to recognize Indiana's smaller communities that have identified comprehensive community and economic development projects and activities as well as next steps and key partnerships. For more information, visit http://www.in.gov/ocra/2601.htm.February 9, 2016
DEADLINE: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant Application
Public housing authorities, local governments, nonprofits, tribal entities, and for-profit developers are eligible to apply. Applications must present a plan to revitalize a severely distressed public and/or HUD-assisted multifamily housing project located in a distressed neighborhood into a viable, mixed-income community. Find the full application package at http://www.grants.gov/. Click on Search Grants. The CFDA number is 14.892.February 29, 2016
DEADLINE: Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) Comprehensive Site Redevelopment Program (CSRP), in partnership with Indiana Finance Authority (IFA), Open Call for Letters of Intent (LOI) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding opportunities for brownfields include: Blight Clearance Program and Planning Grants. For more information about deadlines and dates, contact your OCRA Community Liaison and/or visit http://www.in.gov/ocra/2307.htm.February 17, 2016
Indiana Association of Cities and Towns (IACT) Legislative Day
Hilton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites 120 W Market Street, Indianapolis
Register at http://www.citiesandtowns.org/.February 18, 2016
WEBINAR: Groundwater Statistics for Environmental Project Managers
1:00pm - 3:15pm EST
The Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) developed the Technical and Regulatory Web-based Guidance on Groundwater Statistics and Monitoring Compliance and this associated training is specifically for environmental project managers who review or use statistical calculations for remediation reports, who make recommendations or decisions based on statistics, or who need to demonstrate compliance for groundwater projects. The training class will encourage and support project managers and others who are not statisticians to:· Use the ITRC Technical and Regulatory Web -based Guidance on Groundwater Statistics and Monitoring Compliance (GSMC-1, 2013) to make better decisions for projects
· Apply key aspects of the statistical approach to groundwater data
· Answer common questions on background, compliance, trend analysis, and monitoring optimization.
This guidance and webinar will bring clarity to the planning, implementation, and communication of groundwater statistical methods and should lead to greater confidence and transparency in the use of groundwater statistics for site management.
February 23, 2016
WEBINAR: Petroleum Vapor Intrusion (PVI): Fundamentals of Screening, Investigation, and Management
1:00pm - 3:15pm EST
The ITRC Technical and Regulatory Guidance Web-Based Document, Petroleum Vapor Intrusion: Fundamentals of Screening, Investigation, and Management (PVI-1, 2014), and this associated Internet-based training provide regulators and practitioners with consensus information based on empirical data and recent research to support PVI decision-making under different regulatory frameworks. The PVI assessment strategy described in this guidance document enables confident decision-making that protects human health for various types of petroleum sites and multiple PHC compounds. This guidance provides a comprehensive methodology for screening, investigating, and managing potential PVI sites and is intended to promote the efficient use of resources and increase confidence in decision-making when evaluating the potential for vapor intrusion at petroleum-contaminated sites. By using the ITRC guidance document, the vapor intrusion pathway can be eliminated from further investigation at many sites where soil or groundwater is contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons or where light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) is present.