2010 Archives
- April 5, 2010 - U.S. EPA National Award for Smart Growth Achievement: Applications now being accepted.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2010 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement. This competition is open to public- and private-sector entities that have successfully used smart growth principles to improve communities environmentally, socially and economically. The application period is open until April 5, 2010.
April 9, 2010 - U.S. EPA Smart Growth Implementation Assistance: 2010 Request for Letters of Interest
Letters of interest are now being accepted for the 2010 round of the Smart Growth Implementation Assistance Program. EPA, with the assistance of HUD and DOT, is offering direct technical assistance from national experts to communities, tribes, regions, and states that want to incorporate smart growth techniques in their development. EPA is also interested in identifying and documenting innovative solutions to complex problems faced by communities as they seek to incorporate smart growth practices. Letters of interest are due by 3:00 PM April 9, 2010. EPA expects to select up to 4 applicants for assistance this year.
April 23, 2010 - 2010 Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence - Nominations now being accepted.
The Indiana Governor's Environmental Excellence Awards recognize exemplary projects across Indiana. Projects must demonstrate significant and measurable results, be innovative comprehensive and documented. Nominations must be received by IDEM by 5:00 PM April 23, 2010. To learn more, call 800-988-7901.
June 1, 2010 - U.S. EPA Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Pilot Program - Proposals now being accepted.
The U.S. EPA is soliciting proposals from eligible entities to facilitate community involvement in area-wide planning approaches to brownfield assessment, cleanup and subsequent reuse. U.S. EPA Brownfields assistance is available through grant funding and direct assistance (through Agency contract support). Area-wide planning grant funding and direct assistance will be directed to brownfields-impacted areas, such as neighborhoods, districts, city blocks or corridors. The grant funding and direct assistance will result in an area-wide plan which will inform the assessment, cleanup and reuse of brownfields properties and promote area-wide revitalization. The U.S. EPA anticipates selecting approximately 20 pilot projects through this competitive opportunity. The deadline for proposal receipt is June 1, 2010 at 5:00 PM EDT. June 1, 2010 - Brownfield Renewal is now accepting nominations for the 2010 Renewal Awards.
Renewal Awards nominations are being accepted now through June 1, 2010. The Awards will be presented to project that represent the gold standard of development across three distance industry categories: environmental impacts; economic impacts; and social impacts. For more information about the awards and selection process or to submit a nomination.
June 11, 2010 - Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) - 2010 Indiana Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant Program - Pre-Applications now being accepted.
The Indiana P2 Grant Program will help Indiana organizations implement pollution prevention activities and continue to promote environmental stewardship throughout Indiana. For more information about the program or to download the application and view other important deadlines. Pre-applications will be accepted until June 11, 2010.
June 15, 2010 - Conservation Fund accepting applications for Kodak American Greenways Program
Grants of up to $2,500 will be awarded to lan trusts, local governments, and other organizations working to create or improve a greenway, trail, or waterway in the United States. Applications will be accepted until June 15, 2010. Past projects include trail signage, trail Web page creation, and trail design layout. For more information about the program.
July 30, 2010 - Call for Ideas deadline has been extended for the National Brownfields Conference
The U.S. EPA and the International Cit/County Management Association (ICMA) recently announced the 14th National Brownfields Conference, which will be held April 3-5, 2011 in Philadelphia, PA.
October 21, 2010 at 3:00 PM ET: Re-Powering America's Land Initiative Webinar Series. December and January Webinar Dates TBD.
- October 29, 2010: Deadline for Indiana Office of Community & Rural Affairs (OCRA) DR2 Clearance Program Applications
Calendar of Events
February 2010: U.S. EPA Discussion Forum - Auto Sector Cleanups
A new question of the month has been posted on the U.S. EPA OSWER Discussion Forum:February 9, 2010: U.S. EPA Region 5: A Greener Cleanup Workshop - free workshop
Chicago, IL and by video-enhanced WebinarFebruary 19, 2010: Indiana Land Use Consortium's Communities at the Crossroads
Indianapolis, IN at University Place Conference CenterMarch 16, 2010: Indiana Urban Land Institute: Finding Value in Vacancy - Repurposing Solutions
Indianapolis, IN at Allen Plaza (1 Virginia Avenue)All Appropriate Inquiries Rule
Washington, D.C. |March 23-24, 2010: National Brownfield Association The Big Deal Conference
Atlanta, GAApril 14-16, 2010: Sustainable Property Transactions: Retooling the Business of Contaminated Site Redevelopments
Philadelphia, PA at the Sheraton Society Hill HotelApril 27, 28 & 29, 2010: WEBINAR: FREE Live Brownfields Inventory Tool Demonstrations
Call will take place at 10:00 CST/11:00 ESTMay 6, 2010: Community Resources for Brownfields Redevelopment
Osgood, INMay 7, 2010: Community Resources for Brownfields Redevelopment
Clarksville, INJune 2 & 10, 2010: WEBINAR: FREE SMARTe (Sustainable Management Approaches and Revitalization Tools) Demonstration
Webinars will take place on Wednesday, June 2nd from noon to 1:30 pm EDT and Thursday, June 10 from 2:00 to3:30 pm EDT.June 15, 2010: WEBINAR: Urban Agriculture
This webinar, sponsored by U.S. EPA Regions 5 & 7 and the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) at Kansas State University, will take place on Tuesday, June 15th from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm CDT. Space is limited.June 29, 2010: WEBINAR: Green Stormwater Management
This webinar, sponsored by U.S. EPA Regions 5 & 7 and the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) at Kansas State University, will take place on Wednesday, June 29th from 1:00 to 3:00 pm CDT. Space is limited. .July 1, 2010: AUDIO CONFERENCE: Successfully Navigating HUD's Summer 2010 Funding Maze
2:00-3:30 PM EDTJuly 12, 20, and 27, 2010: WEBINARS: Upcoming U.S. EPA Webinars
CLU-IN's ongoing series of Internet Seminars are FREE, web-based slide presentations with a companion audio portion. More information and registration for all Internet Seminars is available on U.S. EPA's Web site. August 19, 2010: FREE Workshop: U.S. EPA Brownfields Grant Proposal Writing Strategies
Indianapolis, IN
Workshop will assist participants in detailing response strategies to Threshold and Ranking Criteria as well as utilizing the TAB EZ grant writing tool. Participants will also discuss the planning process, specifically engaging the community and partner in the Brownfields initiative. Space is limited! Deadline to register is August 12, 2010.August 30 & September 2, 2010: AUDIO CONFERENCE: Understanding the FY11 U.S. EPA Job Training Grant Application Guidelines
2:00-4:00 PM EDT Conference Call-In Number: 866-299-3188 Conference code: 2025662772# Sponsor: U.S. EPA Office of Brownfields and Land | Description: Overview of the FY11 application guidelines for the Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grants as well as eligibility and ranking evaluation criteria and information on formatting and key building blocks of a successful proposal. Q&A will be held at the end.August 31, 2010: FREE WEBINAR: U.S. EPA Brownfields Nonprofit Outreach Training
1:00 - 3:00 PM EDT | Learn about the different types of grants and assistance available through the Brownfields Program specifically targeting nonprofits ad their partners. September 2, 2010: Ball State University 2010 Resources and Partners Workshop: Building Better Communities
Indianapolis, IN
At this one-day workshop, learn what a Brownfield is, how Brownfield remediation can be a part of your community's economic development strategy, and learn about what resources may be available to your community.September 7 & 9, 2010: U.S. EPA FY 2011 Brownfields Proposal Guidelines Orientation
WEBINAR 9:30-11:30 AM CDT
The U.S. EPA revised their Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Grants and these two free Clu-In informational sessions will assist local governments and nonprofit organizations to better understand the proposal criteria and selection process for EPA's brownfields assessment, revolving loan fund, and cleanup (ARC) grants.September 8, 2010: TAB EZ Webcast
1:00-2:30 PM CDTSeptember 21, 2010: The State of Scientific Knowledge and Research Needs
WEBINAR 1:00 - 3:00 PM CDT
This U.S. EPA webinar will present the answers to many of the scientific questions faced when beginning an urban agriculture project at a brownfield site.September 29 - October 1, 2010: Communities at the Crossroads XIII Conference
Indianapolis, IN
The Ohio/Kentucky/Indiana Regional Planning Conference and The Indiana Land Use Consortium partnered to offer this three-day conferenceOctober 6, 2010: WORKSHOP: Deconstruction & Reuse 101: A New Blueprint for Success
Chicago, ILOctober 7, 2010: Policy Barriers and Incentives to Reusing Brownfields for Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture
WEBINAR 1:00-3:00 PM CDT
This U.S. EPA webinar will explore policy issues surrounding the growing of plants and food on urban infall lots.October 13-15, 2010: Reclaiming Vacant Properties: the Intersection of Sustainability, Revitalization, and Policy Reform
Cleveland, OH
Learn about the policies, tools, and strategies to catalyze long-term, sustainable revitalization.October 25-29, 2010: U.S. EPA Lead Awareness Week
5 Webinars targeting specific audiences affected by the Renovation Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule.November 18, 2010: U.S. EPA's Green Power Communities Program Teleconference
The U.S. EPA's Green Power Communities Program is an offshoot of the agency's highly successful Green Power Partnership, which works with companies, educational institutions and local, state and federal governments to promote organizations that commit to purchasing power generated from renewable sources ("green power").December 3, 2010: WEBINAR- Stormwater Management on Brownfield Sites: Constraints, Opportunities and Regulation Changes
Stormwater management for sustainable development involves techniques that seek to infiltrate of reuse stormwater rather than allowing it to run off into large pipes and detention facilities off-site. Unlike conventional developments, impervious footprints on brownfields cannot always be minimized through incorporation of porous surfaces to allow for infiltration. Direct infiltration on a brownfield site may introduce pollutants to groundwater and nearby surface waters. Green infrastructure practices exist that can retain, treat and release stormwater without coming in contact with contaminated soils. This webinar will review case studies for successes and lessons learned, as well as identify future research and development needs to further the application of green infrastructure on brownfields. U.S. EPA will provide an update on how brownfield issues are being discussed in the rulemaking process for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits.