Disability Law Fellowship
Disability Law Fellowship
Indiana Disability Rights (IDR) seeks applicants for a two-year legal fellowship. IDR serves as Indiana’s Protection and Advocacy System and is a leader in defending and advancing the rights of people with disabilities. The dual goals of its fellowship program are to increase opportunities for new attorneys with disabilities to develop their experience and to advance disability and civil rights law.
Graduating law students with disabilities who evidence a compelling commitment to disability rights are encouraged to apply. Students with disabilities who also represent other marginalized communities, due to their race, ethnicity, gender or sexual identity, or religion, are strongly encouraged to apply.
The fellowship term is May 2024 through May 2026. Fellows will learn various aspects of disability and civil rights law and will contribute their own policy project, to be approved by the IDR Executive Director. Salary and benefits will be commensurate with that of non-fellowship attorneys of equivalent experience and qualifications.
Eligible candidates must identify as having a disability and graduate in December 2023 or May 2024 from an ABA-accredited law school. The fellowship uses a broad and inclusive definition of disability that includes a diverse community of people with physical, sensory, intellectual, or psycho-social disabilities and chronic illness, among others. Eligible candidates must also seek admission to the Indiana Bar and be eligible to work in the United States for the fellowship’s entire term.
Fellows will gain invaluable experience in multiple legal areas including administrative and judicial proceedings, systemic impact litigation, the legislative process, and policy advocacy. IDR’s practice areas include the prevention of abuse, neglect, and exploitation; enforcement of civil rights, such as fair housing; employment; education; guardianship defense and restoration of rights; and health care.
To apply, please email the following documents to Policy Director Emily Munson at EMunson1@indianadisabilityrights.org by Wednesday, February 1, 2024. Select applicants will participate in an interview prior to selection.
Materials to Submit:
- Applicant Information Sheet (click here to fill out)
- Law school transcript (an unofficial transcript is acceptable)
- Two letters of recommendation (from law school faculty, internship or pro bono supervisors, or employers)
- Project proposal – Identify a significant issue for Indiana’s disability community and propose a project or research plan to address that issue using a maximum of two double-spaced pages and 12-point font.
- Legal writing sample (four-page maximum)
- Resume or CV
- Cover letter addressing the applicant’s interest in the fellowship and either: (1) their experience with disability civil rights or (2) how their disability has affected their career choice. The applicant may also provide any other information they would like the panel to consider.
Applicants will not be required to disclose their specific disability; however, a received application for the fellowship signifies that the applicant considers themselves to be a person with a disability.
No one piece of the application package will determine the selection of a fellow. Applicants needing accommodations in the application process should contact Emily Munson at EMunson1@indianadisabilityrights.org or 317-722-3473. Please note email communication is preferred. Thank you.