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  • IDOC
  • Current: CPAFI

The Correctional Professionals Assistance Fund of Indiana

The CPAFI, a 501 (c) 3 charitable fund, provides short-term immediate monetary assistance to Indiana Department of Correction employees or their immediate family members should they suffer a serious loss as a result of a natural disaster or catastrophic accident, or an employee dies at the workplace or otherwise while on duty. The intended purpose of any monetary assistance given from the Fund under these circumstances is to ensure employees and their immediate families are able to continue to receive the benefit of the necessities of life immediately following an unexpected catastrophic event.

This Fund is not intended to be insurance against losses or damage.

Based on the Fund's ability, proceeds may also be used for tuition assistance scholarships for employees of the Department or their immediate family members or dependents.

The Fund is administered by the Board of Directors of the Correctional Professionals Assistance Fund of Indiana.

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