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Sand Creek WMP 00-222


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The Sand Creek Watershed Project is a locally-led planning and educational effort focused on the natural resources of the Sand Creek Watershed. In 1997, community members gathered at a public meeting sponsored by the Decatur County Soil and Water Conservation District to initiate the project. It has remained in the hands of a Steering Committee made up of local farmers, businesspersons, and representatives from city and county agencies and organizations, and has been supported by area businesses and industry as Project Partners.

This document lays out the vision and plan for the future of the Sand Creek Watershed. As human population and activities continue to place more stress on our natural resources, the quality of our water and soil is placed at great risk. As concerned citizens living within the Sand Creek Watershed, we see the need to take action to improve and protect these resources for current and future use. By this action we also enhance and preserve the quality of life for our communities.

It is anticipated by the group that they will continue to work in cooperation in planning for the future of the upper and lower watershed.

The Complete Sand Creek Watershed Management Plan

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