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Site Characterization and Sampling Guidance

Site Characterization Guidance

These brief technical guidance documents explain how to better organize an investigation, investigate in specific geologic environments, and investigate specific types of sources. They contain data compiled from government, academic, and industry sources.

Sampling Guidance

These brief technical guidance documents explain field methods for sampling.

Analytical Guidance

Section 2 and Table 2-A of the Risk-based Closure Guide, available on the IDEM Effective Nonrule Policies page, explain the proper sampling parameters and documentation requirements for various types of remediation sites. They also list the specific chemicals found, and testing methods needed, for various types of cleanup sites. IDEM uses U.S. EPA guidance for reference.

Vapor Intrusion Guidance

These documents explain various U.S. EPA methods for sampling contaminated air for volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

  • Method TO-14A [PDF]:
    • This document describes a procedure for sampling and analysis of VOCs in ambient air using specially prepared canisters with subsequent analysis by gas chromatography.
  • Method TO-15 [PDF]:
    • This document describes sampling and analytical procedures for the determination of VOCs (listed in Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990) in ambient air using specially prepared canisters with subsequent analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
  • Method TO-17 [PDF]:
    • This document describes a method for the determination of VOCs in ambient air using active sampling onto sorbent tubes.

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