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Slickville Tile Works

Slickville Tile Works

Location: Near Delaware-Madison County line, about 1.2 miles NW of I-69 exit145 via US 35/SR 28, west to CR 1000 W/CR 500 E/County Line Road, then north to CR 650 N, then east 100 yards near farm, west of Gaston. (Delaware County, Indiana)

Erected 1996 Indiana Historical Bureau

ID# : 18.1996.2


Site of production mill and three beehive kilns, first fueled by wood and then by natural gas, circa 1883-1910, owned & operated by Manassa Myers, Sr. family. Produced drainage tiles (hollow cylinder-shaped sections) from adjacent clay pit for local use. Drainage tiles have been used throughout Indiana to develop and maintain farm land.


Business, Industry, and Labor, Agriculture