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Trauma Registry

Training Materials

Data Request & Reports

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A state’s trauma registry is not only the repository for data about trauma in its state, but it exists to improve outcomes for injured patients. The registry uses data to measure and analyze all aspects of the system to ensure the highest quality care is provided to all. The IDOH operates the Indiana Trauma Registry and is responsible for instituting processes to evaluate the performance of all aspects of the system, from the EMS provider to the trauma center/acute care hospital and the rehabilitation provider. The IDOH Trauma Registry has been operational since 2008.

The trauma registry ( is a core component of any statewide trauma system. The Indiana Trauma Registry is a repository into which statewide trauma data has been brought together to support three foundational activities: identification of the trauma population, statewide process improvement activities, and research. The Indiana Trauma Registry was implemented in 2007, with initial participation by the seven hospitals in Indiana that were verified by the American College of Surgeons as Level I or Level II trauma centers.

Today, more than 100+ hospitals in Indiana with emergency departments are actively submitting data to the state trauma registry on a quarterly basis. Ramzi Nimry is the Trauma and Injury Prevention Program Director of the IDOH Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention. For hospitals interested in learning more about the trauma registry, contact Ramzi via his information below.

The software vendor chosen for the registry is ImageTrend from Minneapolis, MN. ImageTrend has also been selected to provide a repository for EMS data. The combination of EMS and trauma data allows Indiana to develop a more robust data system with which we can create a better statewide trauma system.

The Indiana Trauma Registry follows the National Trauma Data Standards (NTDS) set by the American College of Surgeons and the Committee on Trauma on a yearly basis. This includes the collection of required elements set by both bodies but also may include any additional elements set by the Indiana Trauma Registry.

The Indiana Trauma Registry Data Dictionary for 2024

Quarterly Data Submissions

The following hospitals have submitted data to the Indiana Trauma Registry quarterly since Quarter 1 2013

Quarterly data submissions since Quarter 1 2013 (XLS)

The following rehabilitation hospitals have submitted data to the Indiana Trauma Registry:

  • Community Health Network
  • Community Howard
  • Rehabilitation Hospital of Fort Wayne
  • Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
  • Franciscan St. Elizabeth

Trauma Registry Rule (PDF)

Patient Registry Reporting Schedule

All hospitals with Emergency Departments are asked to report their data on a quarterly basis. The quarterly data reporting schedule:

Patient Admission Date RangeReport Due Date
January 1, 2024 - March 31, 2024 June 30, 2025
April 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024 September 30, 2024
July 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024 January 15, 2025
October 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024 May 1, 2025

Indiana Trauma Network Educational Opportunities

January 2025

February 2025

March 2025

April 2025

May 2025

June 2024

July 2024

August 2024

September 2024

October 2024

November 2024

December 2024

Contact Information

If you are interested in receiving training on the trauma registry, please contact:

Ramzi Nimry
Trauma and Injury Prevention Program Director, Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention

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Page last updated 1/3/2021