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Radioactive Materials

Radioactive Materials Collection and Transport



Samples for radioactive material testing must be submitted by a County Health Department, a State Agency, or a Federal Agency.

Contact: Jane Smith at 317-921-5515 or ask for Radiochemistry at 317-921-5500 for further instructions.

Sampling materials can vary widely depending upon the material that is to be sampled.

To Collect Wipe Samples from an XRF Lead Paint Analyzer to check for radiation leakage you need plastic bags, a marker and alcohol wipes:

Wipe the Lead Analyzer with an alcohol wipe and place into a labeled Ziploc-type plastic bag. Provide a blank alcohol wipe in a different Ziploc-type plastic bag and label that bag"Blank Wipe".

The following information for each wipe is required:

Location: Your County Health Dept. with contact information
Manufacture and model of the analyzer
Analyzer Unit Serial number
Source Isotope
Source Date
Source Activity on that date

To Collect Water Samples:
The volume required can vary and glass or plastic may be required for sample integrity to be maintained. Contact Jane Smith at 317-921-5515 and the proper sample container will be shipped to your facility.

Unknowns Samples:
Contact: Jane Smith at 317-921-5515 or ask for Radiochemistry at 317-921-5500 for further instructions.

Place sample(s) in an appropriate shipping container and ship or deliver to:

Indiana State Department of Health Laboratories
Attn: Radiochemistry Laboratory
550 W. 16th Street, Suite B
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Analyte dependent.