Employer Training Grant
What type of employers can apply for training reimbursement?
Indiana-based employers of any size are encouraged to apply. Occupational skills training must directly correlate with high-demand jobs in our six priority fields. Newly trained employees could live outside Indiana, but the company itself must be in Indiana.
What type of training is eligible?
- Occupational skills training must directly correlate with in-demand jobs in our six high-growth job fields
- HR training and job shadowing without structure do not qualify
- Must be greater than 40 hours
- Employer submits training plan to DWD prior to approval to verify it:
- Is occupational skills training
- Aligns to one of the approved occupations
What are the Employer Training Grant requirements?
- Companies may be reimbursed for training costs of up to $5,000 for newly trained employees who are trained, hired, and retained for six months; employees must see a wage gain from the start of training to the completion of training
- Reimbursement of up to $50,000 per employer
- Eligible job fields: Advanced Manufacturing, Agriculture, IT and Business Services, Building and Construction, Health and Life Sciences, and Transportation and Logistics
- Must be job skills training that ties to an in-demand occupation; HR training and informal job shadowing do not qualify
How can my company get started?
Complete the short Application, Set up a training program, Get reimbursed with a training grant
A representative from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development will follow up within two to three business days.
How are employers reimbursed?
Employers complete a valid W9 and direct deposit form before submitting an Employer Training Grant invoice to their representative. Employers provide employee-level data, including information about the newly trained employee, dates and type of training, date of hire, and the six-month retention period. DWD will match this information against data collected in the agency’s new hire and wage record database to verify that requirements of the grant program were met.
How does the funding work for employers?
Employers can be reimbursed up to $5,000 for newly trained employees who are trained, hired, and retained for at least six months for up to $50,000 in reimbursements per employer. Occupational skills training must directly correlate with middle-skill, high-demand jobs in our six priority sectors.
What is the actual process for the Employer Training Grant?
The Employer Training Grant process is straight-forward. Simply complete the quick application to discuss your plans with the DWD team, supply the HR job description with salary range, and the training plan. DWD shares an agreement summarizing the details, and employers train their employees. Midway through the training, DWD provides a W9 and direct deposit form for the employer to complete and return. After that, employers will receive the invoice to send to DWD upon completion.
Are there restrictions when reimbursement is received?
No – Indiana employers have already invested money training, the Employer Training Grant simply reimburses employers.
Is there a retention period for trainees?
Yes - trainees must be retained with your company for six (6) months after you begin training.
If we hire from outside Indiana, are we eligible?
Yes - this grant reimburses employers directly for training investment.
If we use Skills Enhancement Fund and/or WorkOne On-The-Job training, are we eligible?
Yes - however, your employer training reimbursement may not be used for the same employee.
Is there a wage requirement for New Hires?
Yes - It is a minimum of $17.00/hour.
Is there a required wage increase after training?
Yes - Current employees must receive a 3% wage increase upon completion.
We were reimbursed for training last year, are we eligible?
Yes – no new application is needed - get your training plans ready!
How long do training Agreements last?
Employer Training reimbursement agreements are for a 9 month period.