Bald Eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Size: Males weigh 8 to 9 pounds; while females weigh 10 to 14 pounds.
Diet: The primary diet for bald eagles is fish.
Reproduction: Their huge nests—the largest nests of any North American bird—are typically 5-6 feet wide and 2 feet deep.

Barn Owl
Tyto alba
Size: Weight ranges from 1 to 1.5 lbs.
Diet: Barn owls are strictly night hunters and feed on a variety of small mammals and, rarely, small birds.
Reproduction: Clutch sizes are large with three to 11 white eggs laid.

Bobwhite Quail
Colinus virginianus
Size: 5 – 6 oz (140 -170 g)
Diet: Weed and grass seeds, waste grain, flower parts, soft mast (fruits), and insects constitute their diet which varies with the season.
Reproduction: Clutch size, or the number of eggs per nest, usually averages around 12 eggs.

Northern Cardinal
Cardinalis cardinalis
Size: 8 to 9 inches long from the tip of its bill to the tip of its tail.
Diet: Wide variety of food consisting mainly of insects, seeds, grains and fruits.
Reproduction: The average number of eggs laid by the female is three or four.

Loggerhead Shrike
Lanius ludovicianus
Size: 7.9–9.1 in (20–23 cm)
Diet: Shrikes have a diverse diet that includes beetles, grasshoppers, wasps, spiders, mice, voles, house sparrows, snakes and frogs.
Reproduction: The female lays 4 to 8 eggs in a bulky cup made of twigs and grass.

Pandion haliaetus
Size: Females are typically 3.5 – 4.5 lbs. and males are 3.25 – 4.25 lbs.
Diet: The osprey’s main prey is fish.
Reproduction: Average clutch size is 3, range is 1-4.

Owls - Nocturnal Neighbors
Size: Owls have unique feathers. They are designed with frayed, feathery ends, allowing silent flight.
Diet: Owls hunt mostly small mammals, insects, and other birds, although a few species specialize in hunting fish.
Reproduction: Owls tend to nest in cavities.

Peregrine Falcon
Falco feregrinus
Size: Adult birds are 15 to 20 inches tall.
Diet: Prefer medium-sized birds such as pigeons, starlings, grackles and shorebirds.
Reproduction: The female typically lays three to four eggs and provides most of the incubation.

Red-Breasted Nuthatch
Sitta canadensis
Size: 4.5 in (11 cm)
Diet: Insects, occasionally even fly catching, while in the winter, it switches to conifer seeds.
Reproduction: The female lays 2–8 eggs (usually 5–6).

Ruffed Grouse
Bonasa umbellus
Diet: Grouse eat a wide variety of foods from tree buds to insects.
Reproduction: An average of 11 antique white eggs are laid in April and hatch in 24 days.

Sandhill Crane
Antigone canadensis
Size: Sandhill Cranes stand 3 feet tall and have a wingspan of 6 feet.
Diet: Seeds, grains, berries, nuts, tubers, small vertebrates, and small invertebrates.
Reproduction: They usually lay 1-3 eggs, once a year.
Listen to Migration

Eastern Screech Owl
Megascops asio
Size: Males are 6-7.5 inches tall and females are 7-10 inches tall.
Diet: Insects, reptiles, small mammals such as bats and mice, and small birds.
Reproduction: These birds are monogamous, with biparental care.

Turkey Vulture
Cathartes aura
Size: Length of 62–81 cm (24–32 in)
Diet: Wide variety of carrion, from small mammals to large grazers, preferring those recently dead, and avoiding carcasses that have reached the point of putrefaction.
Reproduction: Females generally lay two eggs, but sometimes one and rarely three.

Size: Smaller than a package of chewing gum or a candy bar.
Diet: Bug-eaters
Reproduction: All in all, some 20 of the 30-plus warblers that migrate through will stop in Indiana to breed.

Whooping Crane
Grus americana
Size: Can reach up to 5 feet tall.
Diet: Crabs, clams, frogs, aquatic plants, insects, seeds, berries, snakes
Reproduction: The female lays 1 or 2 eggs, usually in late-April to mid-May.

Wild Turkey
Meleagris gallopavo
Size: 100–125 cm (39–49 in) in length
Diet: Mixed diet that incudes wild fruits, acorns, herbaceous plant materials (green leaves, roots, tubers), and seeds.
Reproduction: Nests may contain seven to 20 eggs, but the average is about 12.

Size: 7.5 cm (3.0 in) in length to 50 cm (20 in) in length
Diet: Some species vary their diet with fruits, birds' eggs, small animals, tree sap, human scraps, and carrion.
Reproduction: A clutch usually consists of two to five round, white eggs.