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Certified Local Governments

Certified Local Government (CLG) Program

The Certified Local Government (CLG) Program is a partnership between local governments, the Indiana State Historic Preservation Office/Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology (DHPA), and the National Park Service (NPS) to promote nationwide preservation initiatives at the local level. Through the certification process, local communities make a commitment to national historic preservation standards, which is key to America's ability to preserve, protect, and increase awareness of the unique cultural heritage found across the country. CLGs can range from small towns to large urban cities.

Benefits to the community

CLG communities qualify for technical assistance and training opportunities from the DHPA, gain a significant competitive advantage in applying for federal Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) grants, and receive a more advantageous grant-to-match ratio under this program. Federal guidelines require that at least 10% of each state's annual HPF allocation be disbursed to CLG communities. More than $100,000 in grant funding is set aside specifically for Indiana’s CLGs each year.

Each CLG community is offered two scholarships for its CLG staff and/or commission members to attend the annual Preserving Historic Places conference, which is Indiana’s statewide historic preservation conference. This is an excellent opportunity for training and networking with other preservation professionals.

DHPA covers the cost for all CLG communities in Indiana to be members of the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC), which provides access to valuable training opportunities and online resources. DHPA partners with NAPC to host the Commission Assistance and Mentoring Program (CAMP) once a year, typically alternating between virtual sessions one year and in person as part of the Preserving Historic Places statewide conference the next.

Requirements for becoming a CLG

The designation Certified Local Government indicates that a municipality meets certain qualifications and is, therefore, "certified" to carry out specific regulatory and administrative preservation activities at the local level. To apply for this federal designation, a city or town must have:

  • A local preservation ordinance for the designation and protection of local properties and have at least one locally designated landmark under that ordinance
  • An active and qualified historic preservation commission
  • Access to a qualified professional staff person to support the commission
  • An up-to-date inventory of historic properties within its jurisdiction

In addition, the community must:

  • Participate in the process of nominating properties to the National Register of Historic Places
  • Provide for public participation in its meetings and activities

For more information on the requirements of the program see the Indiana Certified Local Government Regulations.

If your community is interested in becoming a CLG please contact the CLG staff.

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