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Indiana Fishing Reports

Division of Fish & Wildlife staff collect reports as time permits. During winter months, angler effort is lower, and fewer fishing reports are received, so the reports may be updated less frequently than during other seasons. Additionally, with changing weather conditions and delays between receiving past reports and the public reading them online, ice reports may be unreliable

WaterbodyFishing reportDate
JC Murphey (Willow Slough)As part of the lake renovation, fish were stocked into the lake in the fall of 2023 with more stocking occurring in 2024. Water levels are still being held below full pool to encourage vegetation growth and enhance lake productivity. No ice fishing will be permitted this winter, due to lower lake levels and the desire to protect newly stocked fish, in order to jumpstart fish populations faster. More information can be found in the link below. 12/12/2024
Northern Indiana LakesWe're in the transition time between open water and ice fishing. A few people have gotten out on early-ice spots like channels and shallow bays, but wildly swinging weather has made for unpredictable conditions. Please use extreme caution if venturing out on early season ice.12/10/2024
Lake Michigan (boat)Perch are starting to be caught, both near breakwalls, Cal Harbor, and offshore on deep clay flats. Reminder to keep any perch you catch deeper than 45 or 50 feet - barotrauma results in high death rates for released perch at those depths. Lake trout are being caught trolling and jigging near structure. The buoys are retreived for the season, so real-time wave and water data will not be available. With below-freezing temps, be mindful that ramps may be closed or dangerous. It's always advisable to call marinas ahead if you are unsure of launching conditions. 12/10/2024
Lake Michigan (shore)Lake trout are still being caught, along with a few steelhead and whitefish. Use spoons, blade baits, or tubes near the bottom for lakers. Whitefish are being caught with single eggs and small chunks of skein. Use caution as below freezing temps will make piers hazardous.12/10/2024
Lake Michigan Tributaries (Trail Creek, Little Calumet River, Salt Creek)Fishing has been pretty slow with cold, low, and clear water. A few steelhead are being caught though. Downsize your baits in clear water, the fish get very spooked and pressured. Please respect fellow anglers, private property, and please do not litter! For links to stream flow, see the links below the report tables.12/10/2024
St. Joseph River (below Twin Branch Dam)A few fresh steelhead have been coming in, although with river temps dropping below 40, migration upstream has slowed considerably, with fewer than 20 fish making their way through the fish ladder in the last 2 weeks. Fish passage numbers through the fish ladders will be very low until the water warms above 39 degrees. Some anglers have started having success plugging with mag lips, hot n' tots, hot shots, and kwik fish. Spawn and beads are also working. Monitor the flow at the closest USGS gauge in Niles, MI using the links below the report table. Note that the funding partner has discontinued temperature at the end of the year - if you feel strongly about the value of temperature on the St. Joe River, use the link on the USGS site to contact them and request reinstatement.12/10/2024
Northern Indiana reservoirsCrappie have been moving to their winter locations, and some people have been catching them from shore. With upcoming cold weather, ice may form - use extreme caution when going on early season ice, particularly on reservoirs with moving water.12/10/2024

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